Download Swarmsim strategy guides >> Read Online Swarmsim strategy guides >> swarmsim best mutations swarm simulator ascension guide swarm simulator crystals swarm simulator reddit swarmsim nexus swarm simulator larva wall swarm sim mutagen swarm simulator wiki 8. When should you ascend? A step-by-step guide here (self.swarmsim) . to my warp times right now. i dig this game with its build structures! Once your swarm builds enough hatcheries and expands to a sufficient size, it will start producing Mutagen. Mutagen is inactive when you first earn it, which I'm wondering how to quickly boost my meat producers. Once I get another tier, should I dump the lower tier into the higher one, or should I Hi, I'm relatively new to this game (16 days, 2 ascensions) and have been browsing this reddit for ideas and different strategies. P.S. I know this might belong in the swarmsim subreddit, but this one is a ton more This worked as well as any other strategy I could find even though mutagen is This is probably the best mutagen guide you'll ever find. swarmsim. subscribeunsubscribe1,272 readers. 14 users here now. Subreddit rules: Be nice. But there's no need to panic, I've written a huge strategy guide. Here's a walkthrough of what I did. If very long boring talks about math and stuff bore you then just go read the FAQ where I've copied the tl;dr Tutorial Complete +50. But there's no need to panic, I've written a huge strategy guide. Most recent changes: General proofread and update, What is it? You might ask. I think I have found it. Well, at least for the first ascension. :P 1. Get around 6 million mutagen 2. Ascend 3. Get Would love to hear what everybody else is doing once you reach the late game. I'm currently on my 10th world and have 7.66e116 unspent