Virtapay will soon be switching over its system and changing it to a more monetary virtual currency similar to bitcoins. It's decision to abort the debit card was inevitable since banks and such wouldn't really allow them to work with their financial systems. They have now found a better way for over 2 million members to finally have real money by means of exchange. Members will be soon able to mine virtapay and be able to exchange them into bitcoins. Bitcoins are worth close to 1000 dollars at the time of writing this paste. So imagine what current members are thinking knowing that they already have a huge amount of VP$. I know they are excited for this powerful change. If your not a member please go and sign up now: because once the new change takes place the only way to get VP$ is through mining. Currently you can get 100VP just for signing up and by visiting everyday earning about 20vp daily all just to look around and participate. There is a market place where people sell digital goods and services that you can check out as well. They keep us updated but everything could change over any day now. With over 2 million members already you can see that the value of this virtual currency will go up really quickly. so get in while the switch is in the beginning stages. sign up here: