Narrow down exactly what your passion is. If you are considering pursuing your passion, you may know exactly what it is and how it could become a job. But you might also just have a hobby you think is cool and wish you could get paid for it. Take some serious time to reflect on what your passion is and be able to name it specifically. If you have multiple passions that you think could make a good profession, try to think about which one you would want to do every day.You may have a hobby that involves creating something, like pottery or woodworking. Making something to sell is a good example of a passion that can become a profession. Maybe you love to volunteer for breast cancer fundraisers or at a local soup kitchen. You should consider finding work in the nonprofit sector that would allow you to make a difference in causes you care about. Ask if your passion is a hobby or a true gift. You probably enjoy many things, but not all of those are your passion. A passion goes beyond a hobby that you find exciting and includes an element of talent . You need to honestly examine if your chosen passion is something you are gifted at or if you just enjoy it. If you do not have a specific talent for that thing, consider whether it is a passion you should follow Making a profession out of a passion means being able to do actual, measurable work in that passion. It will not be all the fun that a recreational passion is. Examine how determined you are to do the hard work that making a passion a profession takes. A profession usually means doing something consistently and efficiently, so ask yourself whether you have what it takes to do this with your passion You may think your passion project is the most amazing thing ever, but for it to be a profession, it needs to be marketable. Other people need to also think it is amazing. Demand has to do with both whether or not people want what you have to offer, and also with whether or not there is already a high supply of that thing. You will most likely be offering some type of service or product, so it is important to consider ahead of time what demographic of people you will be marketing to. If you plan to carve canoes out of logs, you probably won’t have much of a market in the city. If your passion is repurposing old junk into modern art pieces, you need buyers with disposable income. Depending on your passion, you may want to go work for a company that offers the chance to enact that passion, or you may want to start your own business that allows you to profit from the passion. This is a vital aspect to consider. Due diligence in researching potential jobs that incorporate your passion will help you find out if jobs are already available or if you will have to create your own job out of necessity.