---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a walkthrough and general guide created by [ eraphraDev ] for the game: C A N D I E S http://candies.aniwey.net/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1 - The Merchant ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME STARTS: Objective: Accumulate 60 candies. ~ You just have to wait, there is nothing you can do to speed up this process. [ # ] - At 010 candies: * Button [ Throw 10 candies on the ground ] appears. [ # ] - At 060 candies: * [ The candy merchant ] appears. [ # ] - At 060 candies: * Button [ Buy a lollipop (60 candies) ] appears. { HIDDEN EASTER EGG } Click [ The candy merchants hat ] 4 times. * The candy merchant says: “Hey ! You touched my hat !”, “Stop that, stop that ! You’re tickling me !”, “Hahahaha ! I’m so ticklish!”, “Listen, listen : I give you 100 candies ! But stop that please !” * 100 candies received. [ # ] - At 150 candies: * Button [ Buy the wooden sword button (150 candies) ] appears at [ The candy merchants ] Objective: Click the [ Buy the wooden sword button (150 candies) ] button. * The candy merchant says: "Great! This wooden sword isn't the best, for sure, but it really didn't cost so much." * [ Wooden sword ] acquired. * [ CANDY BOX ], [ INVENTORY ] & [ QUEST ] menus unlocked. * [ The peaceful forest ] quest unlocked. Objective: Goto: [ QUEST ] and complete [ The peaceful forest ] * Loot [ Key ] - The lollipop farm’s key, this key brings a lollipop farm to your candy box. * [ Mount goblin ] quest unlocked. * [ The lollipop farm ] appears. Objective: Accumulate 300 candies. Objective: Click the [ Buy the copper sword (300 candies) ] at [ The candy merchants ] * Merchant says: "This copper sword is quite heavy, but it slays efficiently." * [ Copper sword ] acquired. { HIDDEN EASTER EGG } [ The candy merchants lollipop ] 15 times. * The candy merchant says: “Hey ! don’t touch the products!”, Seriously, don’t touch this lollipop.”, “Don’t touch it! Other customers may lick it after that, that’s gross!”, “Stop now or I’ll be force to do something.”, “Okay, okay, I lower the price, but stop touching it!.”, “I can’t make a lower price... Please stop.” ~ NOTE: Lollipops are now reduced by 30% ~ [ # ] - At 450 candies * Button [ Buy 10 lollipops (450 candies) ] appears. [ # ] - At 500 candies * Button [ Buy 10 lollipops (500 candies) ] appears. ( If hidden easter egg not discovered ) Objective: Accumulate 500 candies. Objective: Click the [ Buy the iron sword (500 candies) ] button at [ The candy merchants ] * Merchant says: “This iron sword could cut almost anything, if you’re strong enough to use it. * [ Iron sword ] acquired. Objective: Goto: [ QUESTS ] and complete [ Mount Goblin ] *Quest [ Underwater cave ] unlocked. Objective: Accumulate 1000 candies. Objective: Click [ Buy the silver sword (1000 candies) ] Merchant says: “One thousand candies for meeee! Uh, I mean this silver sword is even stronger then the iron one! You had to buy it.” * [ Silver sword ] acquired. Objective: Accumulate 2000 candies. Objective: Click the [ Buy the diamond sword ( 2000 candies ) ] button at [ The candy merchants ] Merchant says: “Diamond! This is the best sword I can sell you. It will cut rocks as if they were made of butter.” * Sword [ Diamond sword ] acquired. [ # ] - Button [ Buy a health potion (600 candies) ] appears at [ The candy merchants ]. [ # ] - Button [ Buy an escape potion (150 candies) ] appears at [ The candy merchants ]. [ # ] - Button [ Buy a scroll (400 candies) ] appears at [ The candy merchants ]. Objective: Accumulate 101 candies. Objective: Click [ Use 101 candies to encrust your diamond sword and make it even more powerful ] that appears. * Sword [ Candy diamond sword ] acquired. Objective: Accumulate 30 lollipops. Objective: Click [ Use 30 lollipop powder to polish your candy sword and make it awesome ( and more powerful) ] * Sword [ Polished candy diamond sword ] acquired. Objective: Purchase 4 [ Health potions ] at [ The candy merchants ] Objective: Goto: [ QUESTS ] and complete [ Underwater cave ] ~ NOTE: To progress to [ Part 2 ], you only need to acquire [ The swamp map ] which can sometimes be obtained while doing the quest [ Mount goblin ]. However, sometimes it seems like it just won't drop. So, to speed things up, purchase 4 [ Health potions ] from the [ The candy merchant ] and attempt the quest [ Underwater Cave ]. Use the potions to keep your health topped up during the boss fight. ( Potions have a 12 second cool-down, so you'll have to time their use for best effect.) After completing [ Underwater cave ] you should have the maps and items listed below: ~ Maps * [ Map ] - The map to the Swampy Swamp. The Swampy Swamp is the swampiest swap you’ve ever seen. * [ Map ] - The map to the wishing well. Make a wish, make it so, you may shine, you may glow... * [ Map ] - The map to the Sorceress’ hut. In this hut lives a powerful witch! She might help you... but not for free. * [ Map ] - The map to the forge. An anvil can be really useful, if you have the appropriate sword.. Items: * [ Boots ] - The Seven League Boots. These boots increase your speed during quests. * [ Hat ] - The Magician’s Hat. Wearing this hat enhances your magic. * [ Ring ] - The Pink ring of Calmness. The pink ring will help you control your breath. You will recover faster after a quest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 - The Frog at the Swampy Swamps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective: Goto: [ INVENTORY ] and Click [ Go to swampy swamp ] * The narrator says: "While you walk through the swamp, following your map... On the horizon you see a frog coming... Its coming slowly, but surely, it is green". * The frog says" Hello. I'm The Frog. I can provide you candies, and lots of things. I know how much you love candies. But I feel alone in this swamp. I'd like to play with you before. If you answer my questions correctly, the sweetest sweets will be yours. " Objective: Click the [ let's go, then ] button that appears. * The frog says: "First question: do you _really_ love candies?" Objective: Type [ yes ] into [ Text box ] and press [ Enter ] * The frog says: "Perfect. Here's 10 candies. Many more candies are waiting for you." * 100 candies received. Objective: Click the [ Second question ] button that appears. * The frog says: "Second question : if A implies B and B implies C, and D implies A, and E implies D, what does A imply?" Objective: Type [ B ] into [ Text box ] and press [ Enter ] * The frog says: "Great. You seem to understand basic logic. Here's 100 candies." * 100 candies received. Objective: Click the [ Second question ] button that appears. * The frog says: "Third question. Consider 10 days. If I give you 1 candy on the first day, and each other day I give you twice more candies than the previous one, how much candies will I give you on the day number 10?" Objective: Type [ 512 ] into [ Text box ] and press [ Enter ] * The frog says: "Exactly. Let's speed up the process : here's your 512 candies right now! Playing with you is so exciting! Next question is for 1000 candies." * 512 candies received. Objective: Click the [ Candiiiiies! ] button that appears. * The frog says: "Fourth question : if you could be whatever you want, what would you be?" Objective: Type [ Frog ] into [ Text box ] and press [ Enter ] * The frog says: "Correct! Everyone wants to be a frog. Here's your 1000 candies." * 1000 candies received. Objective: Click the [ Any more enigma? ] button that appears. * The frog says: "Here's a story : there's a fox, a lion and a wolf inside a lunar crater. The fox is about to bite the lion, which is about to bite the wolf, which is about to bite the fox. It's snowing and a shrub is watching the scene. Who's enjoying the story? " Objective: Type [ Me ] into [ Text box ] and press [ Enter ] * The frog says: "Right, you were enjoying it! At least, I hope so. Here's a chocolate bar for you. It's very precious. * [ Chocolate bar] acquired. Objective: Click the [ Thanks, Frog! ] button that appears. * The frog says: "Now, just type the answer to that question and I'll give you a very special present : what is the only thing to go beyond the limits of our universe ? Objective: Type [ Answer ] into [ Text box ] and press [ Enter ] * The frog says: "Yes it is ! Now, here's 5 very special potions. They'll be very useful during quests." * 5 [ Beserker potions ] received - The berserker potion transforms you into a... BERSERKEEEER! Objective: Click [ Yay!! ] button that appears. * The frog says: "I have no more sweets to give you. It was a real pleasure to play with you. Thanks a lot." Objective: Goto: [ CANDY BOX ] and Click [ Use 1 chocolate bar to coat your sword in melted chocolate to make it incredibly powerful ] button that appears at [ The candy merchants ] * Sword [ Chocolate sword ] acquired. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3 - The Anvil at the Forge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ NOTE: In order to enchant your sword at the forge you need to have a [ Chocolate sword ] and the [ Forge Map ] (Acquired in Part 2) ~ Objective: Goto: [ INVENTORY ] and click [ Go to Forge ] Forge says: "There’s an anvil." Objective: Click the [ Sharpen your sword using the anvil ] button that appears. Forge says: “You could enchant your sword using this anvil but be careful : you can only enchant a sword once ! “ WARNING _ !! POINT OF NO RETURN !! _ WARNING ~ NOTE: ( Only after a restart, or loading an earlier save will you be able to change this decision!) You will be offered a choice of 3 different enchants for your sword, you may only choose 1 and this decision cannot be reversed. It seems to be the general consensus among players of this game that the [ Sword of Life ] should be avoided (It's benefits are not as great as the others). So you really have to choose between the [ Sword of flames ] and the [ Sword of summoning ].At this moment in time, It is not clear which of the two is the most optimal. ~ ~NOTE: Each enchant requires a specific [ item ], the [ Health potion ] can be straight up purchased from [ The candy merchant ] by clicking the [ Buy a health potion (600 candies) ] button, whereas both the [ Fire Scroll ] and the [ Imp invocation scroll ] are obtained by chance by clicking the [ Buy a scroll (400 candies) ]. Clicking this button randomly chooses one of 5 scrolls, therefore you may have to purchase several before you get the one you want. Scrolls: * [ Teleport scroll ] - This teleport scroll will make you go back to the beginning of a quest. Useful to rest a little bit! * [ Acid rain scroll ] - This acid rain scroll will instantly damage everyone in the whole land (including yourself). * [ Earthquake scroll ] - This earthquake scroll will inflict a lot of damage to everyone in the whole land. * [ Fire scroll ] - This fire scroll will burn your enemy if you use it during a fight. * [ Imp invocation scroll ] - The imp invocation scroll will, if there’s enough place, invoke in front of you an imp that will fight for you. Objective: Make choice: (1), (2) or (3) (1) - Click the [ Enchant using health potion ] button. ( it requires a [ Health potion ] potion to activate ) Forge says: “You now have the Sword of Life! This powerful charm will drain the life of your enemies to regain yours.” * Sword [ Sword of Life ] acquired. or: (2) - Click [ Enchant using fire scroll ] button ( it requires a [ Fire scroll ] potion to activate ) Forge says: “You now have the Sword of Flames! Your sword is covered by a permanent blaze, damaging your enemies more than ever.” * Sword [ Sword of Flames ] acquired. or: (3) - Click [ Enchant using an imp invocation scroll ] button ( it requires a [ Imp invocation scroll ] potion to activate ) Forge says: “You now have the Sword of Summoning! Your sword will sometimes spawn ally creatures in place of your dead enemies.” * Sword [ Sword of Summoning ] acquired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous Information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to reach 100 lollipop per second at [ The lollipop farm ], you need to plant exactly 17,402 lollipops. ( There is no use planting anymore, as it has no effect. )