NAME mp3burn - burn audio CDs from mp3 files SYNOPSIS mp3burn [-c MMM:SS | ATIP] [-d] [-t tmpdir] [-o cdrecord_opts] [mp3 files] DESCRIPTION mp3burn is a simple command line tool for making audio CDs from mp3s without filling up your disk with .wav files. It requires perl, mpg123, cdrecord, and optionally the MPEG::MP3Info Perl module. OPTIONS -d Perform a "dummy" run: do everything except actually burn the CD (uses cdrecord(1)'s -dummy option). -a Report the CD-R's total available time by extracting the ATIP information. (Useful for examining unknown CD-Rs and getting a very accurate measure of potential recording time.) NOTE: The only other valid option with this check is the -o cdrecord_opts. -t tmpdir Put temporary files in tmpdir. Default is to use the current directory. A default tmpdir can be specified in ~/.mp3burnrc (see below). -c (MMM:SS) or (ATIP) Time check: compute the total length of files to be burned and warn if greater than MMM:SS minutes and seconds or calculated by extracting the CD-R's ATIP information (very accurate). This option requires that you have the MPEG::MP3Info Perl module installed. -o cdrecord_opts Specify the command line options for cdrecord. Overrides options specified in ~/.mp3burnrc or $CDR_DEVICE. Example: "-v dev=1,0 speed=4 -swab". Note: the options -pad and -audio are added automatically, since they are always necessary. This goes for ~/.mp3burnrc also. FILES ~/.mp3burnrc In this file, you may permanently specify the cdrecord options you want to use and the default tempdir. The format is $cdrecord_opts = "cdrecord options"; $tmpdir = "tempdir"; You may place comments in this file by beginning a line with #.