I need a job! That’s a line we always hear from droves of young professionals and graduates fresh from college in the U.S. today. They are desperate for a job. Let’s have courage and admit it; that’s a natural consequence of the dark economic times we’re trudging — High unemployment rates. It’s sad but true, many of these young people have relevant experience, and the prerequisites to boot; however, many applicants are vying for positions too few to count, making the competition harder than cutthroat. As a result, this frequent dismal episode ends with unemployment stats. Furthermore, difficult times call for creative maneuvers and unorthodox tactics, which push job seekers to think outside the box. Surprisingly, when they do, they are greeted with opportunities they have never expected existed before. Read More... #onthemoneyebooks http://www.onthemoneyebooks.com/33954/25-Odd-Jobs-That-Make-Good-Money.htm