Infosys aptitude questions and answers => Therefore, these kinds of tests will help the candidates to know their solving skills on various topics of the Verbal Ability. Infosys Placement Papers 2019 — Are you looking for Infosys placement papers 2019 or Infosys off campus placement paper then you can download here placement paper with solution in pdf for on campus placement drive for infosys. The topics that are frequently asked in the Infosys written test are General English, Synonyms, Antonyms, Prepositions, Sentence Completion, Active and Passive Voice, Spelling Test, Spotting Errors, Passage Completion, Substitution, Sentence Arrangement, Transformation, Idioms and Phrases, Sentence Improvement, Para Completion, Joining Sentences, Error Correction Underlined Part , Error Correction Phrase in Bold , Fill in the blanks etc. Flure family use either cherry or grape 4. It was further divided into three sections. Therefore, the contenders who want to join Infosys can check Infosys Verbal Ability Questions and Answers. And the time allotted to complete this section is 35 minutes. Problem arises when the harm has the power to endanger future generations. Answer: Option 2 Solution: The prices were lowered by the seller. So R and G are consecutive. When compared to other company tests clearing the Infosys test is not much difficult. Which of the following steps should the parents of such youngsters take to rid these youngsters of the addiction? The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 kmph. The mean salary of 25 of them is Rs. Therefore, the candidates can use the link and get the Infosys Aptitude Questions and Answers Pdf. The largest of the given number interchanges its place with the first number. The time limit for this section is 35 minutes. The principle that amounts to Rs. Infosys Aptitude - By downloading the Infosys Placement Papers in Online mode candidate can easily know what are the topics for the Infosys Aptitude Test. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. In this post, Velaivetti provides you the Infosys aptitude Questions with Answers. This aptitude questions was asked by Infosys for interview at a College in Coimbatore. We also attached the pdf file for this aptitude questions at the end of this post. Infosys Aptitude Questions with Answers 1. A number gives a remainder of 1 when divided by 2,3,4,5,6 and is divisible by 11. There r three desks which consisting of 2 drawers each. Each drawer is filled either with a black or red ball. One desk consists of both red and another both blue and the third are d and a black ball. All our infosys aptitude questions and answers combine to give 1240 years. Jack and Jill went up and down a hill. They started from the bottom and Jack met jill again 20 miles from the top while returning. Jack completed the race 1 min a head of jill. How much time is remaining for my train. A- nororeen- false always B- sororeen- true always C-midroreen- alternate true and false 8. There is a truck driver starts from one place to pick another person at another place. This day the other person came 20 min early to the time he usually comes to the first place. Tell the time when the driver met the second person that day. This is another common Infosys puzzling question. It is about some goals in a football match. The scoring system was given and the points scored by each team was asked. This, I was told was frequently asked in Infosys questions, so you should be able to get your hands on this one too. Teams played won lost tie goals for goals against A. Four girls S, Robin, E, Mandy belonging to 4 families Clerks, Miller, Flure, Jacobs make salads out of four fruits such as apples, bananas, cherries, grapes. Each girl uses three fruits. No two families use the same combination of fruits. Flure family use either cherry or grape 4. E does not belong to miller or Clerk family 5. Mandy and miller family use apples and cherries. Which family did Robin belong to. Which combination of fruits is used by miller infosys aptitude questions and answers c. Which fruit is not used by Mandy d.