THE 12 SCIENTIFIC HISTORICAL EVIDENCES ON THE TRUE CHURCH 👉 1. YOUNG STUDENTS LEARNING ENCYCLOPEDIA VOL. 15 page. 2292 “For the first 1000 years of Christianity, all Christians belong to the Catholic Church”. 👉 2. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA Vol. 15 page 985. “The Catholic Church is an organization founded by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem in the year 33AD” 👉 3. THE NEW BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA page 287 “The Roman Catholic Church started it’s history in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago as the original disciples of Christ, gathered in the upper room waiting for the Holy Spirit to come. The day in which the Holy Spirit ( Ghost ) came is the birthday of the Catholic Church. ( Acts 2 ) 👉 4. MERRIAM-WEBSTER’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD RELIGIONS 1999 EDITION, page 932. “The Roman Catholic Church is a Christian Church with a highly developed doctoral and organizational structure. It can trace it’s history back to the original Apostles of Christ in the first century.” 👉 5. GROLLIER ENCYCLOPEDIA Vol. V. page 106 “The Catholic Church is from the Greek word which means “Universal”. It is a divine society founded by Christ endowed by the out pouring of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost.” 👉 6. COMPTON’S ENCYCLOPEDIA 1996 EDITION “The Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination that has always existed since the first century and is the only original and true Christian Church in history.” 👉 7. YOUNG STUDENTS’ ENCYCLOPEDIA Vol. 17, page 261 “The Roman Catholic Church is the most ancient Christian denomination having its root in the first century.” 👉 8. COMPTON’S ENCYCLOPEDIA and FACTS INDEX Vol. 20, page 2024. “There were no separate sects or branches of Christianity as there are today: The word catholic is Greek word “Katholis” meaning “Universal” a church were all Christians belong for the first one thousand years of Christianity history.” 👉 9. THE NEW WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, page 155. “The Catholic Church is the original Christian Church before the schism of the church between East and West and the division of the reformation.” 👉 10. WORLD ALMANAC and BOOK OF FACTS 1999 EDITION, page 688. “The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ, who named Peter the first vicar, developed from Jewish proselytizing and led to the conversion of imperial Rome in the 4th century.” 👉 11. INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA Vol. 20, page 520 “The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ who had twofold natures, being human and devine.” 👉 12. WEBSTER’S NEW EXPLORER ENCYCLOPEDIA, page 1038. “The Catholic Church is the ancient church responsible for introducing Christianity in many parts of the world.”