04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info TeamSpeak 3 Client (2015-10-22 11:14:48) 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info SystemInformation: Windows 8 (9200) x64 (AMD or Intel) Binary: 64bit 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info Using hardware aes 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Direct Sound Debug setting timer resolution to 1ms 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info Loading plugin: clientquery_plugin 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info Loading plugin: lua_plugin 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info Loading plugin: teamspeak_control_plugin 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info Loading plugin: test_plugin 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info Loading plugin: ts3g15 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Query Info listening on 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - enter 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - leave 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info *** Time [SERVERVIEW]: 104 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info *** Time [SERVERVIEWMANAGER]: 217 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Input Info Default monitoring enabled 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info *** Time [MAINWINDOW]: 923 04.05.2016 17:57:54 Info *** Time [INIT]: 925 04.05.2016 17:57:55 ClientUI Info Qt version: 5.5.0 04.05.2016 17:57:55 ClientUI Info Using configuration location: C:\Users\Fabien\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client\settings.db 04.05.2016 17:57:55 ClientUI Info Last update check was: Mi Mai 4 11:58:23 2016 04.05.2016 17:57:55 Info Statistics report: Not yet, next report on Mi Mai 18 15:30:50 2016 04.05.2016 17:57:56 Newsticker Info Newsticker next check: Mi Mai 4 19:58:35 2016 04.05.2016 17:57:56 ClientUI Info Connect to server: illuminadler.tk 04.05.2016 17:57:56 ClientUI Info Trying to resolve illuminadler.tk 04.05.2016 17:57:56 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful for "_ts3._udp.illuminadler.tk" 04.05.2016 17:57:56 TSDNS Info No TSDNS found at "illuminadler.tk" 04.05.2016 17:57:56 TSDNS Info DNS resolve unsuccessful for "illuminadler.tk" 04.05.2016 17:57:57 ClientUI Info Lookup finished: 0 1 2 04.05.2016 17:57:57 ClientUI Info Failed to resolve illuminadler.tk 04.05.2016 17:58:10 ClientUI Info Connect to server: illuminadler.y0sh.net 04.05.2016 17:58:10 ClientUI Info Trying to resolve illuminadler.y0sh.net 04.05.2016 17:58:10 TSDNS Info DNS resolve successful, "illuminadler.y0sh.net"= 04.05.2016 17:58:10 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful for "_ts3._udp.illuminadler.y0sh.net" 04.05.2016 17:58:10 TSDNS Info TSDNS found at "illuminadler.y0sh.net" and queried successfully. Result: 04.05.2016 17:58:10 ClientUI Info Lookup finished: 10002 illuminadler.y0sh.net 1 0 04.05.2016 17:58:10 TSDNS Info TSDNS found at "y0sh.net" and queried successfully. Result: 04.05.2016 17:58:10 ClientUI Info Resolve successful: 04.05.2016 17:58:10 ClientUI Info Blacklist check ok 04.05.2016 17:58:10 ClientUI Info Initiating connection: illuminadler.y0sh.net 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - enter 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - leave 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-enter 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS Buffer size: 984 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-leave 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-enter 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-leave 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - enter 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::waitForDeletes - leave 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-enter 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS Buffer size: 984 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-leave 04.05.2016 17:58:11 PreProSpeex Info Speex version: speex-1.2beta3 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-enter 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-leave 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::associateAECDevice-enter 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS Buffer size: 984 04.05.2016 17:58:11 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::associateAECDevice-leave 04.05.2016 17:58:11 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connecting 04.05.2016 17:58:16 ClientUI Info Connect status: Disconnected 04.05.2016 17:58:16 ClientUI Info Failed to connect to server, want autoreconnect = 0