Grey or white hair could be said to be one of the major things that will happen in the life of almost everyone. It is a common characteristics that comes with becoming an aged person. But growing grey hair at a young age is not the desire of a lot of people. This is mostly attributed to the fact that it makes a young man look older than his or her age and this might have an effect on your every day activities. For people still looking for jobs that have a certain age bracket without proper identification, people might think you are older. If your grey hair is quite obvious at a young age, you can somehow be a certain of attention. Some people who suffer from this, often ask the question Why am I growing grey hairs at a young age? Well here are some of the major things that cause grey hair at a young age. 1. Genetics If you father or mother or even grand parents were victims of this, you shouldn't be afraid because it is just part of your family hereditary. When it is connected to your gene, there are higher chances that even your kids will have the same thing and you might not be the only person from your siblings to suffer it. 2. Stress Everyone deals with stress on a daily basis but when your own stress becomes severe, there are higher chances that you will grow grey hair. This is mostly attributed to people who do hard jobs that building of houses. Staying up at night because you have an important business deal and you continue with this bad routine, it could lead to grey hair growth. 3. Thyroid disorder The thyroid hormone helps in Promoting the health of the hair. When the thyroid gland is having some for issues, it will start to show on your hair. This is because the thyroid hormone has an important role to play in our hair health. 4. Smoking Some studies have found a common link between smoking and grey hair. It is believed that some men or women who smoke a lot are more likely to develop grey hairs faster than people who do not.