This post presents three deadly web design sins you don’t want to make on your site: 1. Fonts That Are Too Small The first mistake people make is creating a site with fonts that are too small. The reason for this is that, back in the day, most websites had small fonts. The standard was somewhere around 12 px, and nearly everyone followed that standard. But, over time, people started to realize that 12 px fonts are hard to read online. When a screen is 24 inches from someone’s face, small fonts make it difficult to read. 2. Low Contrast Fonts Another huge mistake people make is using low contrast fonts. Low contrast means a lighter font on a light background or a darker font on a dark background. I’m not sure if this is something that looks ok in print design, but it’s never a good idea on the web. 3. The next web design sin is not using an accent color. Here’s what I mean: Smart internet marketers know that you need a good accent color to draw attention to key calls to action. If you’re asking someone to “Buy Now” or “Start a Free Trial,” you want to make sure you use a button color that will draw people’s attention so they’ll click and take the action you want them to take. This seems simple enough, but I’ve seen multiple occasions where designers didn’t reserve an accent color for the most important calls to action. Instead, they chose a color that’s already used on the site for something else. That’s not a good idea.