If you're a fan of minecraft, and you happen to enjoy a little gambling from time to time, bitvegas is a new online casino built inside of minecraft that you can explore and play provably fair games in. "Welcome to BitVegas. A casino built 100% inside of Minecraft. Get a true 3d social experience amongst users of the bitcoin community" Perhaps you've only got a small amount of BTC? No problem, the casino allows small bets, and best of all: "Once every fifteen minutes, players are gifted.. 0.5 mBTC via a chest.." This means not only can you play for free, you can gamble for free with free money as well. 0.0005mbtc per 15 minutes = 0.002BTC per hour or 0.048 BTC per DAY! There is one stipulation that: Upon first joining the server, the number of free gifts a player may receive is set to thirty. Once every fifteen minutes, a player may go to a "Gift Chest" to receive a free gift of .5mBTC(.0005). Players may increase their number of free gifts by referring other players. Regardless, bitvegas is a fun and easy way to get some BTC and have fun while doing it, far more fun than some fountain sites. Check it out! Play here: http://cur.lv/42o16