Game Rules Goal of the game Win bitcoins by investing into the fish you believe will grow bigger by the end of the round. The more BTC the fish receives the bigger it will grow. Rounds The game consists of rounds. Each round runs for 6 hours, starting every day at 6 a. m., 12 p. m., 6 p. m. and 12 a. m. (i. e. 10:00, 16:00, 22:00 and 4:00 in your timezone). Investing to fish In every round there are two fish. Each fish has its own bitcoin address. You can send any amount of bitcoins to a fish of your choice. You can do this as often as you like. There is no registration — you are identified via your bitcoin address only. Until your payment is confirmed in the bitcoin network (included into a block), it is not added to the fish's balance and appears with the note "unconfirmed" in the list of recent payments. It can take several minutes, sometimes up to one hour, to mark the transaction as confirmed. Payments that are received before the end of the round but confirmed after the end of the round are not counted and we return them to sender. We don't return payments that are received after the end of the round. Jackpot There is a jackpot in every round (funded by FISHBITFISH.COM) — a fixed value that will be added to bitcoins shared by the winning team. Winners The fish with higher bitcoin balance at the end of the round wins. All players who invested into this fish will receive their investment back, plus the share of the second fish bitcoins balance, plus the share of the jackpot. This share is proportional according to each player’s deposit. All winnings are sent to the same bitcoin address the original payment came from. It is essential you use your private wallet only. Do not use any shared one, such as bitcoin exchange account. We send out only payments that are higher than 0.0001 BTC. Please don't send too small amounts to fish - they will be counted but you take the risk that your reward will be lower than the 0.0001 BTC limit. Fee There is a fee charged to each transaction you make. Fee is subtracted from the amount of bitcoins you send and the rest is added to the fish of your choice. The fee rate is slowly raising as time is running. It always starts at 0 % and raises up to 50 % at the end of the round. In every moment you can see what is the current fee rate. For computing the fee for your payment we always use the "received time" of your transaction (not the time of confirmation). Usually it takes only few seconds from sending your payment to receiving it by us. Example The jackpot in current round is 0.5 BTC. You send 1 BTC to the red fish's address. The fee rate is 1 % which means 0.01 BTC is deducted from your investment. The rest, 0.99 BTC, is added to the red fish's balance. The round ends. The final bitcoin balance of the red fish is 6 BTC, whereas the green fish has only received 5 BTC in total. Congratulations, your fish wins! Your share is 0.99 / 6 = 16.5 % (your investment represents 16.5 % of red fish's bitcoins). This means you have won 16.5 % of 5.5 BTC (the green fish's 5 BTC plus the jackpot 0.5 BTC), which is 0.9075 BTC. In addition you receive your original investment back so the total amount you will be given is 0.9075 + 0.99 = 1.8975 BTC.