99 Dating Tips Part V 51. No sex talks. No sex talks should be a rule that you need to follow, especially in first dates. This is because first and second dates are usually the time when you get to know the other person, who can be your potential boyfriend or girlfriend. Talking about sex might give the wrong impression about your intentions, which can make the other person feel uncomfortable. 52. Be nice. Being nice can mean a lot of things, especially for a guy. Nice can mean desirable, normal, presentable, trustable, helpful, or friendly; and, lots of women are actually on the lookout for the nice guys. Thus, taking note of these things can help you make a good impression on your dates. 53. What to do with your apartment. Whether you are a boy or a girl, you need to come up with an apartment that makes you look more mature, especially if you are approaching a stage, where you are planning to invite your date inside. The apartment should be tidy and clean, and it should be free from posters. Instead, decorate your apartment in a more mature way, and get it organized well, so that you can impress your date. 54. Calling him or her. If he or she gives you their contact number after a date, you should not call them a day after. Calling just a day after your date is too soon, which can scare your date away. It gives an impression that you are too eager in listening to his or her voice. Thus, it is best if you give him or her a call only after 2 to 4 days after you meet them for the first time. 55. Make memories. If you are dating the girl of your dreams, make sure to do something that would make memories. You might be glad that you were able to strike a stimulating conversation with her at the bar, but it may not be enough for your date to be memorable. To achieve that, you should do something different, such as bringing her to the zoo, to a circus, or even just a nice walk in the park. 56. Dating is discovering. Dating is actually a stage in a relationship where you would begin to discover certain things about an individual. Thus, it is best that you have a good conversation with your date, so that you would be able to know him or her better. Knowing your date better would offer you a chance to see if you really are compatible or not. 57. Sharing common values. Dating can provide you a chance to know whether you and your date share common values. Although sexual chemistry and sharing common interests are two important things to get started on a relationship, sharing common values is much more important, since it can cultivate a more lasting relationship. Thus, it is best that you take advantage of dating to find out more about it. 58. Dating is not something like a vocation. Dating is not a vocation. Therefore, one of your main objectives in dating should be to have fun in meeting new people. It is not something that you need to do in order to have a life. Although there are lots of things that you need to take note of when it comes to dating, it shouldn’t be treated as something that you really need to perform well on. Thus, have some fun, so that you can be yourself in dating. 59. Never date when you are not over your ex. If you are not over your ex yet, then you should not go on dates. This is because your emotions can end up destroying all your dates. You might engage into self-pity while you are talking with your dates, aside from talking all about your ex and his or her shortcomings. Thus, make sure that you are completely over your ex prior to dating, so that your potential partners won’t avoid you. 60. Online dating is just one of your options in meeting people. Many people today engage into online dating, especially those who are quite busy with their own careers. However, online dating should just be viewed as a way to increasing your chances of meeting more people whom you may be able to date. Thus, it is just one of the many options that you have when it comes to that. You should still go out, and meet new people personally, so that you can have a more interesting life.