Sans hard mode simulator => Y'know how there's this in-browser version of the Sans Fight, Well, guess what? Starting to learn attack 3, though, which is a plus. Featuring longer and harder attacks as well as what I believe to be an actual longer fight. You need to implement a real Papyrus mode. It was at that moment that I decided to put this shit down and come back tomorrow. Attack 1 - u havin a giggle m8? Attack 1 - Why did I decide to do this? Nothing beats the homemade bad time. But what will you do if you meet a relentless killer? I'll address some of the specific feedback points I've gotten here. Undertale is created by Toby Fox, who is a dog. Guess that flower was right. We ask that you keep in mind at all times. This what I can imagine: At the end of the normal fight : dodges Heh, did ya really think you could- dodges again Wow. Sans bad time simulator This is a reskin of Jcw87's Bad Time Simulator with a few elements of gotoAndDie's Sans Hard Mode Battle. Bad Time Simulator: Horrotale Hacked - I love how in the first attack it doesn't change your soul colour quickly enough so you lose all of your health. Just downvote and hide the posts you don't like. Y'know how there's this in-browser version of the Sans Fight, Well, guess what. Note: Can't really tell much of a difference from the homepage, open up the actual fight for the differences. It presumably uses the same source code as Bad Time Simulator, but it manages to be even harder by pure virtue of bullshit. Featuring longer and harder attacks as well as what I believe to be an actual longer fight. I can't tell because I haven't gotten past the first attack yet. I might even do some more of these if I can, given there's more hard Undertale browser fights I can play conserving space on my laptop for game development, + my shitty-ass internet is too slow to download much. It's basically a faster version of Sans' second attack in the main version. Attack 4 - It's like attack 2, but varying heights and there's also barrages of the same height that appear as you're jumping to dodge those. It wasn't fucking worth continuing at that point. For reference, this attack is the first attack but there's more Gaster Blasters just fucking everywhere. Attack 1 - Ditto attempt 4. Attack 1 - Are you fucking kidding me. Attack 5 - I didn't think I'd get this far first wave of attempts. Used my last good healing item just sans hard mode simulator to this pattern. A wave of constant, fast bones with platforms on top. Attack 1 - u havin a giggle m8. Attack 1 - Why did I decide to do this. I also fucking hate the blue + white bones attack in general. Attack 1 - This first attack. Because they fucking hate me. I need to find some ways to entertain myself otherwise I'll sans hard mode simulator consumed by the rage and I'm not even 20 attempts in. So I meme to cope. Attack 5 - Turns out there's also top bones. I was able to stay on the platforms this time, for a little bit. You might as well throw away the run if you fall. Starting to learn attack 3, though, which is a plus. Attack 2 - Throwaway round. Attack 2 - Another throwaway round. Attack 2 - Another fucking throwaway round. It was at that moment that I decided to put this shit down and come back tomorrow. Attack 1 attempts and throwaways probably won't be written down after this unless I can make them funny, lol. Session 2 No longer counting first attack deaths at all or throwaway rounds. Attack 5 - I almost had it but then real life distracted me. Attack 5 - I just fell off this time. I survived for most of the attack, however, by leaping out of the sea of bones repeatedly like a mad man. Attack 4 - I honestly thought I would have died at Attack 3 this attempt, lol. That attack still fucks me over. I'm learning this one fairly well, though, I'd say despite dying to it this time - that was mostly because I didn't heal after Attack 3. Attack 4 - Okay, this time I just fucked it up. Attack 5 - I actually recovered after falling off the platforms. Attack 6 - What even was this attack pattern. I couldn't process it in time apart from the fact that it was more platforms and bones, it went too fast and I died too soon. I take back my comment about 5 being the hardest attack pattern. Another session will likely take place later today. I feel like I stayed in a fairly good skill range, apart from the throwaway attempts. Not exactly 'made it to phase 2' yet, but baby steps. I love how sans hard mode simulator the first attack it doesn't change your soul colour quickly enough so you lose all of your health. I actually never noticed that. Quite frankly, I feel like the faster versions of the normal Sans fight's bone stabs do that, too Also, sorry I haven't done any sessions since Session 2. Real life's a bitch and other things I'm doing on the internet are distracting including some new music coming out eventually, a game concept I'm playing around with, and other miscellaneous creative projects I'm doing. I hope to have one out, soon, though. Now if only I can remember how to dodge the attacks that I did, lol.