❤Raccoon doll discussion - part 4 ❤ Click here: http://ternganjuixi.fastdownloadcloud.ru/dt?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2R0LyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MzI6IlJhY2Nvb24gZG9sbCBkaXNjdXNzaW9uIC0gcGFydCA0Ijt9 I wouldn't try posing one of my girls like that in Raccoon shoes because the shoes I have don't tie on in any way. The American media is always framing the events in Venezuela as happening due to socialism and because of that I think it is important to be mindful of that framing for us survival minded people interested in watching how issues play out in other parts of the world. It's often helpful to identify where you'll be working on achieving your goals. No one is total OPSEC. This time it was a post hole digger. They don't use their powers as crutches, but to help a whole diverse set of personalities to focus and pull together. Unloading Logs Four hours were dedicated just to unloading the logs. Sarah: What kind of advice. But what if I can't agree with the person I talk to. I never knew that before. I live in a small ring sort of area so they do this sometimes. I think it's time I do the sueding thing with both my RC girls. Sarah comes into the room where Jenny is in Jenny: Hello, Sarah. In addition, you would need to find a company to produce your steel sheets in the file of choice. Sometimes I can't tell which words I should capitalize or leave lowercase. After that, you can walk on the roof for all intents and purposes. Sarah: Is that really true. Does anyone with both an FID man and a Raccoon Man have any jesus of their hands swapped?. Raccoon Doll Discussion - Part 4 - Jenny: You should also speak politely and refrain from raising your voice. But you should seek professional help if you can't control your issues on your own. I look forward to seeing a Brown Eyed Damien. That was some storm! Then we tried on 6-7s. Most of these are too big and have way too much hair. So far all I've got that works are a couple of 6-7s that were too tight for anyone else. Some Monique 5-6s can be stretched to fit, some won't stay on once I get them there. Much as I hate sticking Velcro to a doll's head, I may have to resort to this measure to keep wigs from popping off. Or I'll have to learn how to make a wig that fits. My previous attempts are nothing to brag about. Hopefully he should be making it here Monday in that case. He got to Richmond only today, so likely he'll be on his way tomorrow and out for delivery Monday. I probably won't get to really work on him anyway until the following weekend, but I want him to get here so I can gaze upon his glorious body in person! Hopefully he should be making it here Monday in that case. He got to Richmond only today, so likely he'll be on his way tomorrow and out for delivery Monday. I probably won't get to really work on him anyway until the following weekend, but I want him to get here so I can gaze upon his glorious body in person! ExpandI'm sorry, I was not clear. The post office sent out a special truck nice and early just for him. I live in a small town sort of area so they do this sometimes. He's gorgeous and I can't wait to work on him! I am still debating on keeping his hands or using the slightly less detailed and smaller jointed hands I have. Do FID man hands fit? Does anyone with both an FID man and a Raccoon Man have any pictures of their hands swapped? If not I would loooove if you could take one if it isn't too much trouble. For now, have this picture of Julian with no hair or faceup still managing to be adorable with Bridget. The post office sent out a special truck nice and early just for him. I live in a small town sort of area so they do this sometimes. He's gorgeous and I can't wait to work on him! I am still debating on keeping his hands or using the slightly less detailed and smaller jointed hands I have. Do FID man hands fit? Does anyone with both an FID man and a Raccoon Man have any pictures of their hands swapped? If not I would loooove if you could take one if it isn't too much trouble. For now, have this picture of Julian with no hair or faceup still managing to be adorable with Bridget. Love the gray eyes--and the wig! Not only do I love basic Erika, a quick visual scan of her elf head reveals a change in the shape of the ears that might allow wigs to fit better. I was going to buy the new Creature Doll elf with her pouty mouth and free shipping promotion. Now here's Erika with her mysterious sweet smile and free elf head. I want her, too. No way on earth can I get both. I don't see any information on the website about whether the face-up is extra on the elf head, although I suspect it is. Oh, and I need that white gown! Love the gray eyes--and the wig! Not only do I love basic Erika, a quick visual scan of her elf head reveals a change in the shape of the ears that might allow wigs to fit better. I was going to buy the new Creature Doll elf with her pouty mouth and free shipping promotion. Now here's Erika with her mysterious sweet smile and free elf head. I want her, too. No way on earth can I get both. I don't see any information on the website about whether the face-up is extra on the elf head, although I suspect it is. Oh, and I need that white gown! That's what you do -nod- And the dress. Because that dress is EPIC. Edit: Also if you add the faceup it is extra on the extra head according to the order page. Edit Edit: I've just tried a few hands on Mr Man here and made a little collage of the three types. He has huge hands. Too bad that deal will be gone by the time I get my taxes done and maybe get a tax refund. Sorry if I don't change hands, but here are Raccoon man and FID man hands side-by-side, if that helps. They're roughly the same size, although the FID has more knuckle detail, which you can't see well in the photo because he's normal skin. Daniel is milk mocha resin. The FID hand looks a little bigger in the photo, but it's a trick of the camera, the hand's position and the resin color. Raccoon's hand is actually a little larger. Too bad that deal will be gone by the time I get my taxes done and maybe get a tax refund. Sorry if I don't change hands, but here are Raccoon man and FID man hands side-by-side, if that helps. They're roughly the same size, although the FID has more knuckle detail, which you can't see well in the photo because he's normal skin. Daniel is milk mocha resin. The FID hand looks a little bigger in the photo, but it's a trick of the camera, the hand's position and the resin color. Raccoon's hand is actually a little larger. ExpandThank you for posting this! I'm glad there are at least more options for hands. I was worried there for a bit lol. I'm seeing if the jointed hands I have grow on me right now, but I may get him some FID hands or possibly some different jointed hands. I just asked to exchange the Daisy Elf Head I had on Layaway for the Erika Elf Head. I'm much more enamoured by Erika than I am by Daisy, so I'm glad they accepted. It'll still be a while before everything in that order's paid off, but I'm pleased with this choice. I like her face a lot, the elf ears I can give or take, but she is quite pretty. I think one of the main things I like about her elf head more than Daisy's is the ears though. They have more ear-like detail to them it seems.