Responsibility Is the Key All of us have awakened on a given morning not really "feeling" like going to work. Maybe a mild headache threatens, or we are fatigued from lack of sufficient sleep. Perhaps we are facing a difficult assignment. Being a responsible individual, however, we roll out of bed, head for the kitchen for a cup of coffee, and, in the process, realize that we probably are going to survive. We get dressed and drive to work, pitch in when we show up, and two hours later we actually feel good. The action produced the feeling. Don't misunderstand. I'm not suggesting that if you're suffering from a coronary or if you underwent major surgery yesterday, you should get up and go to work. That would be ridiculous. What I am saying is that many times, when we are slightly out of the mood for doing a job, we fabricate a few symptoms of simply not feeling well, and if we're not careful, we indulge in a little self-pity and decide to pamper ourselves. The repercussions for doing this and missing work can be extensive. If you play a key role on the team (and really, you wouldn't have been employed if you were not considered key), perhaps your absence throws other people behind in their tasks. I'm not saying this is the equivalent of the disaster of a world war, but if it's repeated frequently, it can create serious problems for your career and for the people with whom you work. Message: Responsibility and commitment are key elements in meeting obligations. The responsible individual who has made a commitment to do a job or perform a task is going to follow through on the commitment to fulfill his or her responsibility. That's a major key to success in personal, family and business life. Now, make the commitment, and I'll see you at the top!