Download Lobhandler hibernate >> public abstract class AbstractLobType implements UserType. Abstract base class for Hibernate UserType implementations that map to LOBs. Retrieves the LobHandler to LocalSessionFactoryBean FactoryBean that creates a local Hibernate SessionFactory Return the LobHandler for the currently configured Hibernate and my spring-hibernate configuration: lobHandler-ref="defaultLobHandler"--> <property name="annotatedClasses With Hibernate4 there is no way of injecting the spring LobHandler. It appears spring now rely on native Hibernate method of doing things. It is Use Lob Handler To Handle Large Chunk of Data : Hibernate; JPA; JSP; JSTL; Servlet; 28.43.LobHandler: 28.43.1. Use Lob Handler To Handle Large Chunk of Data: Introduction As most of us well aware of Hibernate and Spring frameworks, I am not getting into much of introduction part. However in short, Hibernate A public class Constructor used by Hibernate: fetches config-time LobHandler and config-time JTA TransactionManager from With Hibernate 4 and modern JDBC drivers (e.g. Oracle 10g or even a JDBC 4 driver), you should not need Spring's LobHandler mechanism at all anymore. Hibernate UserType implementation for Strings that get mapped to CLOBs. Retrieves the LobHandler to use from LocalSessionFactoryBean at config time. org.springframework.orm.hibernate.LocalSessionFactoryBean - FactoryBean that creates a local Hibernate SessionFactory instance The hibernate plugin lobHandlerDetector - An instance of SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean that attempts to automatically detect the Spring LobHandler to use The hibernate plugin lobHandlerDetector - An instance of SpringLobHandlerDetectorFactoryBean that attempts to automatically detect the Spring LobHandler to use Spring provides integration to hibernate,so it provides LocalSessionFactoryBean class.According to your example ,U can configure in applicationContext.xml like this Hibernate generates the following prepared statement: LobHandler lobHandler = new OracleLobHandler(); // Must be set to the proper pool provider. Spring & Hibernate 4 Suresh Payankannur Tuesday, LocalSessionFactoryBean do not have any way to set a LobHandler as were in the previous hibernate3 version.,,,,