Download Adventitious roots definition and example >> adventitious roots examples adventitious roots images adventitious roots meaning adventitious roots vs fibrous roots adventitious roots diagram adventitious buds 5 examples of adventitious roots adventitious shoots 28 Feb 2017 The formation of adventitious roots increases the success rates of vegetative propagation of Adventitious Root System: Definition and Types. Most monocotyledons have adventitious roots; examples include orchids, bromeliads, and many other epiphytic plants in the tropics. Grasses (family Poaceae) Adventitious roots can grow from other parts of the plant besides the base. The ability to grow roots from many different parts of the plant without soil means that the plant has a better chance of survival for itself individually and for its species. In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Adventitious Root System 2. Typical Adventitious Roots 3. Modification. Adventitious has various meanings in various disciplines and in general usage. Adventitious is from the Latin root advenire, meaning "to come to" and in Tuberous roots lack a definite shape; example: sweet potato. Fasciculated root In botany, an adventitious root refers to a bud that grows on the internode of the plant, or in another unusual place. In other words, adventitious roots grow from an area of the plant other than the root zone. They usually grow off a stem, or sometimes a leaf. Define adventitious root: a root that arises from any point other than the radicle or the root axis (as the prop roots of corn arising from the lower Noun, 1. adventitious root - root growing in an unusual location e.g. from a stem. root - (botany) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or Adventitious root definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!,,,,