Gateway church franklin tn => John 3:16; Matthew 1:18-20; Luke 1:26-31 The Holy Spirit We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity; that He proceeds from the Father, and the Son, and is of one substance, majesty, glory and power with them. We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your use of our service and to terminate this Agreement, without notice. Romans 3:25, 26; 5:1, 9; 8:30; Galatians 3:24 Water Baptism The scriptures teach that the mode of water baptism practiced by the apostles was single, total immersion in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Please contact if you have any questions. We believe that a Godly sorrow brings about repentance but that sorrow in itself is not necessarily repentance. Gateway Church of God in Franklin, Tennessee is a Christian congregation serving the Franklin community and seeking, engaging, and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey. When my mom and aunt passed 2 weeks apart less than 2 years ago, I found comfort in the scriptures at John 5:28, 29 where God promises that we can soon be reunited with our loved ones we have lost in death. At this time He will judge the nations and institute a reign of righteousness that will last for a thousand years. Tithing and giving for the Christ follower is deeply personal. A lot of great things happening here in the coming days here at Gateway! Fresh Starts Great Friends Real Purpose Join us Sundays at 9am and 11am. Online condolences may be left at www. We are driven to help people experience the quality of life God provides for all of us. Matthew 24:21-31 We believe that during this time regathered Israel will accept Jesus Christ as her true Messiah. With the new building construction coming, we need more time in between services and also want to give more time for what God is doing in our worship gatherings. I Thessalonians 5:23; Ephesians 5:27; Colossians 1:22; Philippians 3:20, 21; Jude v. Our innovative programming also presents overlooked composers such as C. About Us — Gateway Franklin Church - The following is to give you some insight on why the links are provided. Vision Our People Our vision is to become fully connected Christ followers influencing life transformation in the people of our community and our world. We refer to these connection points as fresh starts, great friends and real purpose to better identify what people recognize as key ingredients of a full and meaningful life. We are a gathering of people dedicated to enriching the lives of everyone we meet. We are driven to help people experience the quality of life God provides for all of us. I came so you can have real and eternal life, more and better life than you ever dreamed of. Can anyone deliver on that kind of promise. The most effective gateway to God for spiritually disconnected people is to be in relationship with someone who is experiencing fresh starts, great friends and real purpose for themselves. In this culture, however, this is a rare event. Where does the problem lie. By creating avenues for people to develop and nurture fresh starts, great friends and real purpose more spiritually connected and influential followers of Christ can be released into that disconnected harvest field. You let the world, which doesn't know the first thing about living, tell you how to live. You filled your lungs with polluted unbelief, and then exhaled disobedience. We all did it, all of us doing what we felt like doing, when we felt like doing it, all of us in the same boat. It's a wonder God didn't lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he embraced us. He took our sin-dead lives and made us alive in Christ. He did all this on his own, with no help from us. Then he picked us up and set us down in highest heaven in company with Jesus, our Messiah. Ephesians 2: 1-6 The Message God gives us a clear picture of the beginning place for our quest for worth, fulfillment and significance. His Son, Jesus Christ is the Gateway to all of those longings. Jesus is the Gateway to life as it was meant to be lived. It is only through a deep and abiding relationship with God, through Christ, that we are in position to have a healthy perspective of who we are and who we were created to be. Because God is our source of wholeness, love, contentment, strength, joy and purpose. It is the freshness of our relationship with Jesus that is attractive to spiritually disconnected people. Connected To The Family of God They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued gateway church franklin tn meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Great relationships enhance our life and our understanding of God is enriched through this collective experience. As we grow in relationship with God and other Christ followers, we begin to look, act and love more like He does. Connected To Our God Designed Purpose Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people: religious, nonreligious, meticulous moralists, loose-living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized—whoever. I didn't take on their way of life. I kept my bearings in Christ—but I entered their world and tried to experience things from their point of view. I've become just about every sort of servant there is in my attempts to lead those I meet into a God-saved life. I did all this because of the Message. I didn't just want to talk about it; I wanted to be in on it. Gateway church franklin tn 9:19-23 The Message Jesus is our pattern for developing and exercising spiritual influence. He was connected to His Father in purpose and prayer and was led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was and is the only Gateway to eternal life. However, inherent in His call to follow Him is our call to be gateways for others to enter into a relationship with Him. God has strategically placed us in specific environments and empowered each of His followers with specific spiritual gifts so that through our love and service spiritually disconnected people can discover the Gateway to God, Jesus Christ. I trust the following church doctrines will better help you know who we are and what we believe. This We Believe Those affiliated with Gateway Church accept the whole Bible as being Divinely inspired and the New Testament as their rule of faith and practice. Because of this acceptance we believe the following scriptural teachings. Romans 10:8-13 God We believe in one God, existing eternally in three persons, identified as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and referred to as the Holy Trinity. We understand the triune God as one being in three persons. Hebrews 1:1-8; Colossians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16; Acts 5:3, 4; Matthew 3:16, 17; Hebrews 9:14 Jesus Christ We accept the Lord Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God the Father, conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. We believe that He was crucified, buried, raised from the dead the third day, that He ascended to Heaven, and is today at the right hand of the Father gateway church franklin tn our intercessor. John 3:16; Matthew 1:18-20; Luke 1:26-31 The Holy Spirit We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity; that He proceeds from the Father, and the Son, and is of one substance, majesty, glory and power with them. We accept him as the Executive of the Holy Trinity during this age and we understand that the church owes its existence, its life, its growth and ministry to His presence in the earth. Matthew 3:16; John 14:16, 17, 26; 15:26; 16:8-11; Acts 1:8; 2:4; 13:2-4; Galatians 5:21-23; Ephesians 4:30; I Thessalonians 4:8 Humanity We believe that God created men and women in His own image and placed them as supreme over this earthly creation. The scriptures teach: Humanity was created male and female. Genesis 1:26-29; 2:7, 15-23; 3:1-7; I Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 3:23, 24; 5:12; 6:23; I Corinthians 15:22 Satan We believe that Satan or the Devil is a personal powerful spiritual being in the world today. Matthew 16:17-20; 25:41; Luke 4:32; 9:42; 10:18, 19; Genesis 3:14, 15; Acts 10:38; I John 4:3, 4; 5:18; Isaiah 14:12-19; Ezekiel 28: 11-17 Sin We believe that sin is any lack of conformity in a free moral agent to the character, nature, and will of God; whether it be in act, disposition, state, thought or will. Genesis 3:1-7; Ezekiel 28:15; Isaiah 14:12-17; Romans 3:23; 5:12-19; 10:8-13; Acts 17:30; I Corinthians 15:22; Galatians 3:22 Repentance The scriptures teach that repentance is a complete turning away from sin and a turning to God in submission and faith. We believe that a Godly sorrow brings about repentance but that sorrow in itself is not necessarily repentance. This reconciliation brings the believer into a state of fellowship and communion with God. This free pardon and forgiveness of all past gateway church franklin tn is granted on the sole grounds gateway church franklin tn repentance and saving faith in Christ. Romans 3:25, 26; 5:1, 9; 8:30; Galatians 3:24 Water Baptism The scriptures teach that the mode of water baptism practiced by the apostles was single, total immersion in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Since our Lord commanded it, we believe it should be observed. It is to be understood as an act of faith and testimony subsequent to regeneration and as an outward sign of the inward spiritual work brought about in our hearts through the new birth. Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38, 39; 10:48; 22:16; Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12; Galatians 3:27 Sins of Christ-Followers God has made provisions whereby every follower of Christ through the power of the indwelling Spirit may live victoriously over sin. However, due to failure to walk in the Spirit, Christ-followers often fail and commit sin. Romans 6:1, 2; I John 1:6; 2:2 Holiness and Sanctification God demands holiness in the heart and life of all those who are his children by faith and regeneration. God is holy in himself and so the obligation to be holy rests upon all of the members of His gateway church franklin tn. It is the new holy standing of the regenerated person before God, which standing is based upon the imputed holiness of Christ to all who believe. Since the attainment of experiential sanctification is possible only through the power and leadership of the indwelling Spirit, it is subsequent to regeneration and to positional sanctification. It is the work of the Holy Spirit enabling the believer to live outwardly what the Holy Spirit has made him to be inwardly. It is experienced progressively as a believer walks in the light and in the Spirit. This completeness in holiness will take place at the time when the church is presented faultless before the presence of the glory of God, free from every spot and wrinkle. I Thessalonians 5:23; Ephesians 5:27; Colossians 1:22; Philippians 3:20, 21; Jude v. It is promised to all believers. Luke 24:49; Acts 1:5-8; 2:38, 39; 5:32. We can distinguish indwelling of the Spirit and baptism in the Spirit by noting the experience of the apostles recorded in John 20:19-23 when the Lord Jesus breathed the Spirit into them and then noting their baptism in the Spirit as He came upon them in Acts 2:1-4. This profound experience is therefore distinct from, in addition to, and subsequent to regeneration or the new birth. Acts 9:17,18; I Corinthians 14:2, 18 The Fruit of the Spirit The fruit of the Spirit is distinct from his Charismatic enablements or gifts, although there are nine of each. Galatians 5:22,23; I Corinthians 12:7-11 The fruit of the Spirit is the outward manifestation of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the new nature. Charismatic Gifts are supernatural provisions in the mind and heart of the born again person enabling him to minister and to contribute properly, fully and spiritually to the outreach, nurture and direction of the church. The fruit of the Spirit is more important in the life of the believer than are the Charismatic Gifts, because they are the manifestation of the true character of God, whereas the Charismatic Gifts are an impartation of wisdom, knowledge and power from God. John 15:1-9; Romans 6:20-22; gateway church franklin tn Ephesians 5:9 Spiritual Gifts The scriptures teach that during the entire church age Christ-followers may seek and experience the operation of the ninefold manifestation of the Holy Spirit known as Charismatic enablements or spiritual gifts. The scriptures indicate the following points regarding these Charismatic enablements. Exodus 15:26; Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; I Peter 2:24 Divine healing, by its very title, indicates that it operates according to the sovereign will of God. Believers therefore are to minister to the gateway church franklin tn in one or more of the following ways, and to leave the time, manner and means of healing to God alone. Galatians 6:1, 2; Hebrews 12:12, 13 Holy Communion We believe that every follower of Christ should participate in Holy Communion, which consists of the partaking of the elements of bread and wine. Through the Spirit, the church a self-perpetuating spiritual organism, is comprised of all those who have been regenerated since the church began. Ephesians 1:18-23, 4:16; Romans 8:30; Acts 15:14-18; I Peter 2:9 The following scriptural facts indicate that the church is distinct from Old Testament Israel. Therefore the church could not have existed prior to His death. Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; 2:4 Stewardship We believe the essential components of stewardship life for a Christ follower are solidly based in Scripture. Therefore, we believe tithing and giving is not random, occasional, or emotional. Rather, tithing and giving is systematic, disciplined and planned. Tithing and giving for the Christ follower is deeply personal. Galatians 6:6 Tithing and giving, as with all of life for the Christ follower, is an act of worship because God owns everything. I Corinthians 16:2 Tithing and giving is a test of our willingness to trust in God. I Timothy 6:18-19 Tithing and giving helps liberate the Christ follower from bondage to possessions, selfishness and materialism. Acts 20:35 Tithing and giving is the biblical plan to provide resources for the church to do ministry, within and without, and into all the world. At that time He will resurrect those who have died in Him and together with believers who are alive when He returns, they will be caught up together to meet Him. We believe that this is the imminent and blessed hope of the church. Matthew 24:21-31 We believe that during this time regathered Israel will accept Jesus Christ as her true Messiah. At this time He will judge the nations and institute a reign of righteousness that will last for a thousand years. The scriptures indicate that this has been the expectation of all true believers of all ages up to the present time. The information provided in this section is to let you know that Gateway is a genuine Spirit-filled, Bible believing church with strong theological roots and is subject to outside accountability. The organizations listed are for the purpose of demonstrating where our roots are; however, Gateway has its own unique personality and style. The links to the right will give you more information regarding some of what lies behind the foundation of Gateway. The following is to give you some insight on why the links are provided. Weir served on staff at for 13 years and left in 2006 with their blessing to plant Gateway Church.