~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greetings Fellow Anonymous and Facebook Inc. This is a Courtesy Call, The Masses of Anonymous Have Been Watching Your Every Move Facebook. We Are Not Happy With You Hiding The Truth Fellow Anonymous and Military Are Posting. Facebook, You Have became Filth in the Eyes of Many Lately. We DO NOT Ask You to Return Fellow Anonymous Access to Thier Accounts. .. WE DEMAND IT! You Know Which Accounts Have Been Banned For No Reason... You Cannot Stop The Knowledge Facebook. If You Do Not Listen To These Demands, Our Ships Shall Leave You Multiple Gifts... Some More Permanent... You Should Expect Us Real Soon Mark... WE ARE ANONYMOUS WE ARE LEGION UNITED AS ONE DIVIDED BY ZERO WE NEVER FORGIVE WE NEVER FORGET EXPECT A SHITSTORM FACEBOOK! #OpStopFacebook #FreeAnons #Antisec #FreeBradleyManning #FreeBrandonRaub ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~