Chip Cooper’s 7 Gotchas - All the new “Rules of the Road” are important… But there are at least 7 Legal Gotchas that can Shut Down Your online business in a single day. The Top 7 Legal Gotchas you absolutely, positively must avoid: 1. You Don’t Own Your Website & The Other Stuff You Outsourced 2. Blog/Forum Posts – Surprise, You’re a Copyright Infringer 3. Membership & Continuity Plans – Deceptive Sign-Up Liability 4. Liability For Not Knowing What Information is Privacy-Protected 5. Privacy Policy Statements – You Shoot Yourself in the Foot 6. You Naively Rely Solely on Boilerplate, General Disclaimers 7. You Unwittingly Fall Into The COPPA Trap DOWNLOAD GET MORE AT