Love! Love! Love! My story is a rather long one that started in 2014. I got involved with someone who I thought was the one and that we would be together forever. It turns out this was not the case. It started off as any relationship did, happy, blissful and fun and then slowly started to turn into something negative and ugly. In the time between the start and the end of our relationship I was broken down mentally and physically to the point where I didn’t know who I was anymore. Every time I looked in the mirror I cried because I did not recognize the person I had become. The relationship eventually ended and we wanted to go our separate ways but couldn’t since we still worked together. Very closely. I went into deep depression where I wouldn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I’d get home from work and lay in the dark room. I stopped eating and became painfully thin and then I ate too much and gained so much weight. I needed to get away from this person but didn’t know how. It wasn’t until one day I decided to have my eyebrows done that everything would change. I decided to go somewhere different and the beautician asked if she could listen to her audiobooks while she worked. I said yes and off we went. After the session was over I was so intrigued by what was being said that I decided to Google what they were talking about. I then came across The Secret books. I did my research but yet I was still skeptical about everything. I had to go back to the beautician two weeks later for a touch up and there it was, playing again. I got this burning sensation in my stomach and I knew that I had to go and look for this book. I found it and bought it. That was the best decision I have ever made!!! After that, I read The Power and The Magic. It was as if the heavens had opened and sent down angels to save me. I started to apply everything that I had learnt. I asked the Universe to get me out of the job I was in and to move me away from this abusive and negative person. The opportunity presented itself and I finally worked up the courage to leave my job. I tried to help this person too. By giving love and being positive I did see a change but there was still a block with this person that I could not seem to break through so I decided to let it go and move on with myself and work on my own happiness. I then tried to attract my dream guy to me. A few weeks later and old flame and I started talking again. It felt amazing however, that did not last long due to the fact that he was in a different country. It also just did not feel right towards the end. It was as if something was telling me to let it go. All the signs were there but I just did not listen. Eventually the Universe forced me to make a choice and I guess I have made the right one. In the beginning of this year I met a man who wasn’t only handsome and funny but had all the qualities I had listed in my Gratitude Journal. Every single thing. This man treats me like a queen and I treat him like a king. We are so in love that we could set fire to the night sky. I am grateful every single day for the gift that has been given to me. I am grateful that I found The Secret and that my life has changed for the better. I am grateful that no matter what you ask, the Universe will provide. I am thankful that I have so much love in all aspects of my life and that it overflows with joyous feelings every single day. I am so grateful for my love. He is everything that is good and magical. I am happy! We are happy! I would also like to thank the entire team of The Secret for making this possible and for sharing this knowledge with us. You have opened the door to bigger and better things for the whole world! May The Magic Dust that I have sprinkled on the story as I was typing it touch you and everyone else who reads this. I wish a miracle, big or small into your lives today! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!