t has been suggested that those involved with turning the hit online game World Of Warcraft into a movie are eager to get Avatar director James Cameron involved with the project. However, Cameron joining the World Of Warcraft movie project does not look very likely. James Cameron already has two Avatar sequels lined up for the coming years and there is also the possibility of him producing Terminator 5. There is no doubting that a James Cameron directed World Of Warcraft film would be a huge success but it doesn’t seem that he could find the time. A script for World Of Warcraft the movie was initially written by Gary Whitta, the guy behind The Book of Eli, however once Sam Raimi agreed to direct World Of Warcraft he scrapped the script. Sam Raimi has since left the project to do Oz: The Great and Powerful but there have been rumours that he could return to do World Of Warcraft once he has finished with that. The responsibility of writing the new screenplay for World Of Warcraft the movie is believed to lie at the door of Robert Rodat, who wrote Saving Private Ryan. There have even been suggestions that Mark Hildenbrandt has been lined up to play Varian Wrynn. However, without a director a movie does not get made, so World Of Warcraft still waits on Warner Bros. slate.