3. Trying to Buy Your Ex Back This is the biggest mistake I see happen all the time, trying to buy your ex back. I remember the first time a girl broke up with me and I asked my Dad for some advice on how to get her back. He told me to go out and buy her some flowers, some nice red roses. It seemed like a pretty good idea at the time, I mean that’s what they do in the movies and it works… oh how wrong he was; I never did get that girl back. You see you can’t just buy your ex back, it doesn’t work. Your ex didn’t date you because you bought them gifts (well maybe they did if you live in southern California). So by buying them a gift like flowers, do you think they will magically just change their mind and think about re-establishing a relationship with you? No, no way. It doesn’t work like this. There is so much psychology and emotions involved with relationships and break-ups; it’s a lot more than any of these 3 mistakes will be able to fix. We all know about those sappy love songs that tell us to fall in love and how wonderful forever will be. Those same love songs even may get us to the “Forever” part, but very few give us any practical advice on what long term relationships will be like. What we don’t hear is the less flowery more gritty everyday songs about love. Here are five love songs that somebody should write, that might actually be useful: That’s Not What I Mean