REGISTRATION LINK: I have a very simple method to earn some cash. All you have to do is to create an account with OmniCash and earn automatically by sending traffic to your landing page. It's a Paid to Promote campaign where you send traffic and earn OmniCredits in return. You can get rich quickly depending upon the amount of traffic you can send. Steps : 1) Head over to Omnicash website and register to create a new account. 2) After you have created an account in Omni-cash, you will see your landing page in the dashboard. You have to redirect traffic to this page and earn Omni-credits everyday 3) Once you login, you have to view 10 ads per day and that will help you in keeping your omni shares (ad packs) active 3) There are various currencies that are supported by Omnicash. Please refer to the below screenshot to know more I use bitcoins as my preferred method since it does not have any withdrawal or transaction fee 4) After you gained 500 credits, go on OMNI-credits menu, in the left side, and click the sub-menu "Rent Zombies". Zombies work like referrals, the more zombies you have (and referrals), more satoshi/litoshi/OMNI-credits you earn as a daily reward. 5) That's all you can earn BTC/Altcoins/USD/Omnicredits in an autopilot manner. You just have to send traffic to your landing page and earn. 6) You can buy adpacks for 1000 OC and it equals $1. You get $1.05 to $1.10 in return. My Method: Register at all autosurf TEs possible. I'll give you some of the best list of TEs available. You can sign up on all of them to derive maximum benefit of autopilot earning. 1) Otohits 2) Hit4hit 3) 10K hits 4) Hitleap I use other lesser known TEs that work better too. Make sure you have some VPS (atleast two) to run Jingling/IPTS as it gives a huge number of Omnicredits. Make sure you add traffic source to ipts like Facebook,Twitter redirection to earn out more OmniCredits . Payment Proof: I have got 0.0099BTC for withdrawing 0.01BTC REGISTRATION LINK: GOOD LUCK !!!