Cross product calculator => Defining the Cross Product The represents vector similarity with a single number: Remember that. Notice that the calculator supplies a left parenthesis for you. Also, before getting into how to compute these we should point out a major difference between dot products and cross products. Enter the first vector, using curly braces as before. Let's assume that all our calculations will be performed in a 3D space. The geometric definition of the cross product is nice for understanding its properties. This results in a left-handed system. Hence, by the , the cross product must be a unit vector. This is best seen in an example. Both of these products, torque and magnetic force, create new vectors based on their 2 vector constituents. The standard unit vectors in three dimensions. But since there is only one vector of zero length, the definition still uniquely determines the cross product. Cross Product Calculator - Enter 3 values and 1 unknown. The proportion calculator solves for x. Find the missing fraction variable in the proportion using cross multiplication to calculate the unknown variable x. Solve the proportion between 2 fractions and calculate the missing fraction variable in equalities. Enter 3 values and 1 unknown. The proportion calculator solves for x. How to Solve for x in Fractions Solve for x by cross multiplying and simplifying the equation to find x. A fraction with a zero denominator is undefined. A fraction with a zero numerator equals 0. Why Does the Cross Multiplication Calculator for Fractions Work. Cross multiplying works because you're just multiplying both sides of the equation by 1. Since multiplying anything cross product calculator 1 doesn't change its value you'll have an equivalent equation. For example, look at this equation:.