Here we go perfect newbie gym routine... The goal is for muscle growth to work the muscle group 2-3 times a week in a split routine so one workout would be chest/tricep/shoulder and the second would be leg/bicep/back Since your new to gym and want to get max benefit least amount of time here is the workout in the order it think be most beneficial for you Chest/Shoulder/Tricep day Flat Benchpress - 3-4 Sets x 10 Receps Seated Bar Bell Press - 3-4 Sets x 10 Reps Tricep Pulldown 3 Sets x 10 Reps Bicep/Legs/Back Legs Press Machine - 4Sets x 10-12 Reps ( due to legs being bigger muscles work them harder ) Due to your weight only do leg press machine till your down 20 KG because if you do incorrect form on normal squat could hurt your back Seated Dumbbell Curl - 4 sets x 10 Reps Pulldown Bicep Curl - 4 Sets x 10 Reps - Seated Cable Row - 4 Sets x 10 Reps Cardio : As much as you can but you should be able to get these workouts done in 30 mins so if your goal is hour gym a week then 30-40 mins cardio afterwards is achievable. Try to walk at lunchtime even if its 20 mins everyday it adds up over a week so try eat lunch quick In 10 mins and then just walk.... Diet: Aim for 130-150 Grams of protein a day if you want to buy cheap good protein which i personally use It is Fast/Slow Digesting so your muscles have nutrients for unto 6 hours for recovery and you even take it so they have nutrients at night to recover taking this you be able to get 100G protein a day from 3 scoops then it is super easy to get 40 G protein other sources maybe steak at night or chicken you need to get creative. Carbs: try to cut back as much as you can only complex if you must what i recommend for you and its low carb but not completely cut out is. Little carbs in the morning so oats or wholemeal bread and make sure you have protein too straight away so whey/eggs etc get creative.. The carbs will get you through the day.. The only other time you can have carbs is 1.5 hours before you workout at the gym and a little bit after gym in your shake. The carbs after your workout will replenish your glucose from lifting weights and prevent muscle breakdown and help build muscle. not too much maybe maybe 30-50G pre workout and 20-30G post Workout. If you eat them within the hour window after lifting weights very unlikely to be stored as fat so use that to your advantage.... Sugar : none is diet at all only time you can have it is straight after workout in your protein shake to which is when it can be beneficial. The Sugar will spike your insulin like crazy and force protein into your muscle help you recover quicker.... plus the hour window after workout if you eat carbs/sugar very unlikely to be stored as fat it is little body hack so use it too your advantage.. What to expect doing this: Due to no sugar in your diet and lower carbs the first 2 weeks you will feel like shit low energy/headaches maybe even cold don't worry keep pushing through this. I usually find the 3-4 week is the hardest when restricting calories or carbs and reducing intake. Something happens after 5-6 weeks and you get a lot of energy as your body now adjusts and your insulin levels now more stable due to no sugar in your diet and constant protein. From now on it is super east you will always be full have energy to do your workout and all you have to do is be consistent at gym and you will loose weight.. Cheat Day: Aim for none cheat days depends how serious you want to get into it. If you must and cannot resist try to do your cheat meal once a week after you do your workout i prefer Saturday morning GYM work hard then go eat my shit meal for lunch straight away as it lower chance of being stored as fat during that 1 Hour recovery window after workout. Thats it and just consistency do not weigh your self on the scales only chart your progress on pant size as doing this first 2-3 months you might put on weight as muscle weights a lot more than fat but your pant size will drop because you are burning fat. After 2-3 months it is a lot harder to build muscle quick as you have a rookie/newbie bonus because you make most gains first 2-3 months of gym and what you will notice is that then the weight will start to come of consistently 1 KG a week.. This part of probably one of most important as a lot of people quit after 1-2 months as they do not see results in scales aren't dropping weight which is worst thing to do as you are losing weight but muscle is weighing 3x as much so you don't see it on the scales. KEEP it consistency is the key here and your progress will be determined on on how much effort you put it.. it doesn't matter if you skip a week or a few days now and then if you have consistency over time you will have burned more calories then you input and you will get results... Time will take over and you will be where you want to be.. Rest Days.: Make sure if you work a muscle group give it min 2 days for rest as it can take 48-72 Hours to recover this step is probably one of most important as overtraining won't get you anywhere and you will actually go back. So if you work chest/tricep day on a Monday you don't want to do it again till at least Wednesday or a Thursday. Sleep : Aim for 7-8 hours if you don't do this right your progress will slow right down. you need the deep sleep as this is when growth hormone is released and your muscle recovers. Water : Another super important step that a lot of people forget to do and i was one of them. aim to drink at least 3 litres water a day if you don't it is very hard to lose fat. Thats it....