#1= http://www.bitvisitor.com/?ref=1KyZKr7xJfrgjJxrZPnrnRNCPU2R9x7SNL - my personal fav, simply visit websites and get paid, 5 mins each site. #2 = http://earnfreebitcoins.com/?ref=1KyZKr7xJfrgjJxrZPnrnRNCPU2R9x7SNL - pretty much the same as bitvisitor, simple visit and get paid each page is roughly 1-3 mins. #3= https://btcclicks.com/?r=00b08f0b - similar to the other 2 but each page you only have to visit for 10-15 seconds, not a lot on here compared to the other 2 but still worth a ganders. #4 = http://www.bitcoinget.com/?r=1KyZKr7xJfrgjJxrZPnrnRNCPU2R9x7SNL - now this site is a bit different, you get paid for performing tasks which generally involve scanning through different websites and answering questions and surveys on these sites also you can get paid to watch videos and a few other special promotions whatever they may be. #5 = http://www.btc4free.com?join=9022 - similar to bitcoinget, simply do survey or download programmes etc to get paid. Well hope this has been helpfull, any questions feel free to ask also if you have any referal links you would like shown feel free to post them in a comment :) .