Qin shi huang => http://wildfimpheadti.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MTM6IlFpbiBzaGkgaHVhbmciO30= He also worked at standardizing the Chinese script as well. Nevertheless, it was this trait that enabled him to unify China, thus bringing an end to the Warring States period. Death and Destruction Through the First Emperor's wars of conquest, harsh rule, and huge construction projects, which took the lives of millions, the region's population fell by over 50% from about 40 million to about 18 million. Qin Shihuang - Owner of The Terracotta Army. Anomalously high levels of mercury in the area of the tomb mound have been detected, which gives credence to the Sima Qian's account that mercury was used to simulate waterways and the seas in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. The mausoleum complex covers approximately four square miles near the modern city of Xi'an. The Qin family was the first family to unify China as a whole, after being the most powerful family during the Warring Period. Jing Ke then threw the dagger, but missed again. A decree ordering the expulsion of all aliens, which would have deprived the king of his most competent advisers, was annulled at the urging of , later grand councillor. As emperor, Qin Shi Huang reorganized the bureaucracy, abolishing the existing nobility and replacing them with his appointed officials. He assumed full power at 22 by ridding himself of his premier, Lu Buwei, who acted as regent while he was a minor. He had many of the existing walls throughout the country connected to form a long wall that would protect China from the invaders to the north. Therefore after the funeral ceremonies had completed and the treasures hidden away, the inner passageway was blocked, and the outer gate lowered, immediately trapping all the workers and craftsmen inside. A manager in charge of the hydraulic works, Fang Shumiao, saw the objects found and suggested to the villagers that they sell them to the cultural centre of the district. Earning College Credit Did you know… We have over 160 college courses that prepare you to earn credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. China: A Macro History Edition: 2, revised. The Achievements and Faults of Qin Shihuang, The First Emperor of China - Prince Yiren had fallen in love at first sight with a of , a rich merchant from the. It is undeniable that Qin Shi Huang was an extremely ruthless ruler. Nevertheless, it was this trait that enabled him to unify China, thus bringing an end to the Warring States period. Although, Qin Shi Huang made many important contributions that benefitted his realm, and left an indelible mark on subsequent Chinese history, he is not exactly remembered as a benevolent ruler who cared for the welfare of his subjects. Instead, he is often viewed as a tyrannical and authoritarian ruler by later generations. The historian claimed that towards the end of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty which corresponds with the later part of the Warring States periodthe Prince of Qin, Yiren the future Zhuangxiangbefriended a wealthy merchant by the name of Lu Buwei. The merchant arranged for the prince to meet his wife, Zhao Ji, whom the former fell in love with, and took as a concubine. Qin Shi Huang, Emperor of China. The prince grew up at the Qin court, and became the king of Qin at the age of 13 when his father died. The regent, however, grew increasingly anxious that Ying Zheng might find out who his real father was, and of his affair with his mother. Therefore, Lu Buwei decided to distance himself from Zhao Ji, and got another member of the court, Lao Ai, to keep her company. Lao Ai disguised himself as a palace eunuch, and was able to meet the queen in her chambers without suspicion. The pair somehow had two sons together without anyone, except Lu Buwei, knowing. Qin shi huang Life of Ying Zheng As Ying Zheng was growing up into an adult, it occurred to Lu Buwei that he could retain power if one of these sons were placed on the Qin throne. Lao Ai and his qin shi huang were put to death, Zhao Ji was placed under virtual house arrest, and Lu Buwei committed suicide by poison. By putting down this attempted coup, Ying Zheng solidified his position as the king of Qin, and was able to focus on external affairs. Qin Shi Huang, King of Qin. During this period, China had fragmented into seven major states — Qin, Han, Wei, Chu, Zhao, Yan, and Qi. One by one, the Chinese states fell to the Qin. Some states surrendered willingly, whilst others put up a resistance. For example, it has been pointed out that in ancient Chinese warfare, there were definite rules that needed to be observed. Based on the principles of Legalism, however, these rules can be ignored in order to achieve victory over the enemy. For example, he abolished the feudal system that was in practice in China, and replaced it with a centralized, autocratic government. Additionally, laws were codified, and people were punished if they did not obey them. Moreover, the script used qin shi huang writing, coinage, as well as weights and measures, which had previously varied from state to state, was standardized during his reign. Furthermore, the construction of the famous Great Wall of China also took place during this time. The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling. Qin Shi Huang is said to have desired eternal life, and obsessively sought after elixirs of immortality. It has been claimed that it was these pills caused his death, rather than granting him immortality. Nevertheless, qin shi huang reforms which Qin Shi Huang instituted outlasted his dynasty, the influence of which can still be felt even today. Featured image: Statue of emperor Qin, China reconstitution. Photo source: By: References Gracie, C. Qin Shi Huang: The ruthless emperor who burned books. Qin Shi Huang, First Emperor of China. Emperor Qin Shi Huang -- First Emperor of China. Qin Shihuang - Owner of The Terracotta Army. The First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang.