Who ever is reading this post I would like to bring into notice that HP COMPUTERS is a BIG COMPANY of liars and cheaters. Their company has become such a big company only by cheating their customers and selling low quality products at premium rates. Their dealers are cheaters. They cheat their customers by giving wrong information to sell HP COMPUTERS products and over that their after sales service is even worst. They do listen to their customer’s complain and they force their customer to believe that HP COMPUTERS is a customer centric company and will help their customers in any what way possible which is not the case. I am such a victim of HP COMPUTERS dealer cheating. One of their dealer sold me their HP SLATEBOOK X2 TABLET with the assurance that this tablet will give me 10 hrs of battery back up as per my requirement i.e. (playing games and heavy multimedia use) but that was not the case its only giving me 4 to 5hrs of battery backup .After repeated complains to their after sales team: (CustomerRelations Team Lead Printing & Personal System Customer Support and Services, Asia Pacific &Japan)(AMARNATH Surendra Kumar EMAIL: Surendra-kumar.a@hp.com PH: 09900624649) is saying that there is no manufacturing defect in our product and we cannot do anything about this you have to live with this. This is how they treat their customers by taking their dealer’s side and not listing to their customer complain.