Change google password => Cisco is a company name, not a model number of one of their products. I said no such thing. There are lot of stuff to do with a router. A Warning triangle came up on the Droid where you see if you have missed calls, texts, etc. A Warning triangle came up on the Droid where you see if you have missed calls, texts, etc. You can log into more than one account on your android device. You don't identify actual model numbers. If not a hacker without physical access to the router, he's sure starting to look like a covert troll prodding us to reply while he continues his pretense that he cannot follow instructions, cannot bother to look at the router, cannot bother to read manuals, and cannot bother to get them online from the router's site. This article has also been viewed 28,394 times. I've said multiple times it's an old Linksys router. I'll bet that it's the WiFi adaptor in your computer that is providing the password that you specified the first time that you connected to the router with that particular computer. It's clearly explained there in great detail. Although this works but you will have to download everything from your gdrive folder again. There should be a small Google Drive icon in the bottom right next to your clock. Don't expect respondents to regurgitate the instructions in the manual that you could read yourself if the generic instructions, so far, don't work. Stop focusing on what Microsoft does in their operating system on your host and focus on what the router does. How to change / reset google password on Android device - So I'm back to my most original question. Everything should work from there! To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 28,394 times. In this Article: Having a Google account gives you access to features such Gmail, Google+, and YouTube. If you think somebody may know your password or you want a new one, you should change it for your safety. To keep your account secure, you should change your password at least every six months. If you've been locked out of your account due to a forgotten password, you can fill out a survey to prove your account ownership. Don't use the same password that you use for any other service. Enter your new password twice to confirm it. You won't be able to use any password that you've used with Google in the past year. Also use both upper- and lower-case letters. Passwords should be at least eight characters long, ideally around 16 characters. Avoid using any real-world words, or any words that could be derived from your personal information birthday, child or pet name, address. You can break up real words with characters and symbols to make the password strong but easy to remember. Click here for more tips on creating a password. Select how to receive your recovery code. If you have a recovery email address change google password a recovery mobile number associated with your account, you can have the code sent to you. You must have set one of these recovery options before attempting to reset your password. You'll need to answer some questions about your account usage, including the approximate date that you created the account and some questions about mail you have received. It may take a while for the survey to process. For more details on filling out the survey, click here. Make sure that the password contains a variety of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. Don't include any dictionary words, as these make the password less secure. change google password Use a unique password for Google that you don't use for any other accounts. Longer passwords change google password much harder to crack than shorter ones. This will make the password easy to remember, but hard to crack. Click here for more details on creating a strong yet memorable password. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 28,394 times.