proclaimed by the great Lawgiver from Sinai, observed by the Creator, the patriarchs, the prophets, the apostles, and the Son of God! It constitutes the very heart of the law of God, and so long as that law endures, so long shall the authority of this sacred institution stand fast. Such being the record of the seventh day, it may well be asked, How came it to pass that this day has been abased to the dust, and another day elevated to its sacred honors? The Scriptures nowhere attribute this work to the Son of God. They do, however, predict the great apostasy in the Christian church, and that the little horn, or man of sin, the lawless one, should think to change times and laws. It is the object of the present volume to show, 1. The Bible record of the Sabbath; 2. The record of the Sabbath in secular history; 3. The record of the Sunday festival, and of the several steps by which it has usurped the place of the ancient Sabbath. The writer has attempted to ascertain the exact truth in the case by consulting the original authorities as far as it has been possible to gain access to them. The margin will show to whom he is mainly indebted for the facts presented in this work, though it indicates only a very small part of the works consulted. He has given the exact words of the historians, and has endeavored, conscientiously, to present them in such a light as to do justice to the authors quoted. It is not the fault of the writer that the history of the Sunday festival presents such an array of frauds and of iniquities in its support. These are, in the nature of the case, essential to its very existence, for the claim of a usurper is necessarily based in fraud. The responsibility for these rests with those who dare commit or uphold such acts. The ancient Sabbath of the Lord has never needed help of this kind, and never has its record been stained by fraud or falsehood. Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 18,1873 J. N. A. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE 3 ............................................... PART I - BIBLE HISTORY 9 .................................... CHAPTER 1 - THE CREATION 9 .............................. CHAPTER 2 - THE INSTITUTION OF THE SABBATH 13 ........... CHAPTER 3 - THE SABBATH COMMITTED TO THE HEBREWS 33 ..... CHAPTER 4 - THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT 44 ................... CHAPTER 5 - THE SABBATH WRITTEN BY THE FINGER OF GOD 51 . CHAPTER 6 - THE SABBATH DURING THE DAY OF TEMPTATION 64 . 6 CHAPTER 7 - THE FEASTS, NEW MOONS AND SABBATHS OF THE HEBREWS 82 .................................................. CHAPTER 8 - THE SABBATH FROM DAVID TO NEHEMIAH 92 ....... CHAPTER 9 - THE SABBATH FROM NEHEMIAH TO CHRIST 109