ACE FREHLEY Drop New Track ‘Cherry Medicine’ Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee and iconic guitarist, Ace Frehley, unveils a new video for "Cherry Medicine," a featured track from his upcoming album, "10,000 Volts." The much-anticipated album is set for release tomorrow, and it promises to be a powerhouse collection of 11 tracks that capture the unbridled energy reminiscent of Ace's stellar works, harking back to his acclaimed '78 solo album. Produced and co-written by Ace and Steve Brown, this album showcases some of Ace's finest musical contributions. In "Cherry Medicine," a formidable palm-muted chug provides a backdrop to Ace's contemplative vocals, confessing, "I knew I had to change my ways for sure to keep you by my side." The track unveils a different facet of Frehley's artistry, featuring a sweet and soaring hook that declares, "I love you, cherry medicine. You heal my every need and some." The sentiment is sealed with another powerful solo, reinforcing Ace Frehley's enduring prowess and musical brilliance. Heres some more kick-ass music