There's alot of controvery about getting better in fortnite. Some say get better ping, do Kovaaks, better teammates. Whatever floats your boat, you know? I've a few simple tips on how to get better, and I can go in to detail with that in this guide. The first thing I'm going to let you in on is to watch people. Watch other playstyles. Watch tier 1 pros, watch twitch streamers, gain an insight on people who are genuinely good. If you want to watch a good channel for this, go to this link here (copy and paste that in to your top search bar.) In simple terms, it's a compilation of pros killing pros, and pros hitting clips. I learn so much from that channel alone. Everyday it's clips of popular streamers fighting each other, and it never gets old. Away from that, a steady schedule can help you. Play two hours a day, manage your time. Play solos. It helps you learn others playstyles. Try creative out. STAY CONSISTENT ON YOUR SENSITIVITY! Read that again <----! Keep an aggressive playstyle! Always have an aggressive playstyle. Play arena daily, quit playing pubs. Arena is more challenging. Once you hit champs, w-key every single person you see! Every single person. You'll either get kills, or you'll die. If you die, then it's a lesson learned. A win-win situation if you look at it right! One thing I'd like to elaborate on sensitivity is that higher sense has pros and cons! Higher sense will get you easier tarping, easier 1 by 1 build time, quicker reaction timing (Easier to react with a high speed rather than low speed if you're shot at), flicks, and the ability to freebuild easier. The cons are that if you have the slightest anxious feeling, your aim is going to be ruined. Any single flick of your hand or movement of a nerve will send your aim crazy. It's very easy to slip up, and requires precise measurement if you're using a high sensitivity. Now, I'll move on to pros and cons of low sensitivity. Low sens pros are that it's easier to hit shots most of the time, especially for controller players. You always have a steady rhythm, and you are more likely to hit your AR/smg shots. The cons are that it's a harder and slower reaction timing, if someone is behind you, you might not be able to turn around faster. If someone is above you, then you might not have the ability to shoot them before they shoot you (Due to sensitivity), and you cannot tarp as well if you're playing a horribly low sensitivity. Remember to experiment on resolutions, experience with sensitivity and aim settings, but do not switch too often! This guide is quite brief, and is not a 100% accurate. It's my own opinion, and feel free to have your own! I'm an experienced player, and like to spread the idea and logic of getting better. Please visit again!