Hotstar star jalsha serial => Email Address of Star Jalsha Kolkata The email address of Star Jalsha Kolkata is. Star Jalsha made some exceptional shows which have changed the quality of Bengali Television. Watch Guriya Jekhane Guddu Sekhane online, get latest updates, watch full episodes online, news, promos, and discussions at Desirulez. May 17, 2018 By hotstar Leave a Comment. This daily soap is produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures. Phagun haway haway korechi je daan Tomar haway haway korechi je daan Amar apon-hara praan amar badhon chera praan Tomar haway haway korechi je daan Fagun haway haway korechi je daan Tomar ashoke kingshuke Alokhyo rong laglo amar okaroner sukhe Tomar jhau-er doley… Mormoriya uthe amar dukho raater gaan Tomar haway haway korechi je daan Fagun haway haway korechi je daan Purnima sondhya tomar rojonigondhay Rupsagor-er parer paane udashi mon dhaay Tomar projapotir pakha Amar akash chaowa mugdho chokher rongeen swapan makha Tomar chander aaloy Milay aamar dukkho-sukher sokol obosan Tomar haway haway korechi je daan Fagun haway haway korechi je daan If Any Request Please Mail Us Through Our Page. They also used a song Chalo Paltai during the launch of the channel, Which was composed by Pritam. Star Jalsha Shows Online all these bengali serials latest episodes will only available at hot star app. Fagun Bou Serial Title Track Male Version Song Sung by Rupankar Bagchi. Ltd Created by: Magic Moments Motion Pictures Fagun Bou Serial Cast: Vikram Chatterjee as Ayondeep Oindrilla Sen as Mahul Laboni Sarkar as Ayondeep's Mother Bidipta Chakraborty as Mahul's Mother Kaushik Roy as Ayondeep's Brother Anurop Ashmi as Ayondeep's Sister Sneha Chatterjee as Urmi Abhishek Chatterjee Fagun Bou Serial Title Song Lyrics : Swapne Nongor Fele Jochna Eka Chand Batasher Gaaye Kuashar Him Nishpolok Raat, Nishpolok Raat Keu Ki Dekheni Koto Mon Koto Rong Holo Rupkotha Gaaner Gaaye Swaralipi Anka Phagun Boy-er Gatha, Fagun Boy-er Gatha Aa. Others some serial like Durga, Bou Katha Kou made this channel a step ahead. First time Victor Banerjee worked in televisionhere. ™ jalsha Keyword Found Websites Listing - This daily soap is produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures.