Tsu : The First Social #Media Platform Where Users Own Their #Content – And Get #Paid For It. Tsu calls itself the first combined social network and payment platform that allows for users to maintain complete ownership of the content they post. Similar to Ello, another anti-Facebook platform! #TSU is completely free, but you must be invited by a member https://www.tsu.co/chokri29 * Once you’ve accumulated $100 in your "bank account" you can cash it in. At a glance, Tsu seems to work in the same way as any other social network. Page views generate ad revenue, but only 10% of that ad revenue is returned to Tsu. 50% of ad revenue is dolled out to the conent owner. The other 50% is given to the user who brought the content owner into the network. Want to join? Click here for an invite from me to you. https://www.tsu.co/chokri29