1:34][EMPERATRIZ SISSI] AND THE BEST POTATOES ARE HERE [11:34][DooDooBrowne] the best is still the best [11:34][baby_mao] it look like sewage drain! [11:34][Marius-UnderFakern] just like country music [11:34][tapehiss] i'd be mad too if i were doodoo [extra mad in florida] [11:35][baby_mao] peruvians have th best potatoes [11:35][DooDooBrowne] or people who are in to guitar work [11:35][baby_mao] best ceviche [11:35][DooDooBrowne] lol [11:35][baby_mao] best pisco [11:35][Marius-UnderFakern] lmao [11:35][baby_mao] pERU> [11:35][EMPERATRIZ SISSI] [11:38][baby_mao] the mapocho river is SO dirty <--YES SINCE U POO IN THE HOTEL [11:35][DooDooBrowne] and killer songwriting [11:35][EMPERATRIZ SISSI] LOL [11:35][Marius-UnderFakern] DooDoo is in FL? [11:35][Marius-UnderFakern] that makes sense [11:35][Percy] peanuts and chocolatemilk