I was reading posts today and was reminded of something that happened to me when I was a kid. It was an average summer day and I was somewhere in my mid to low teens (couldn't drive yet). Since it was summertime school was out and like most kids I spent it with friends doing whatever seemed like a good idea at the time. Usually we would go play in the woods or ride our bikes around. That day I decided to call up one of my friends and see if he wanted to hang out. So I picked up the phone and to my astonishment the line was dead. I didn't think much of it because I figured maybe they were working on the lines around my house or something. His house wasn't very far from mine (only a mile or two) so I decided to just ride my bike over and see him. When leaving my house the first thing that surprised me was that I didn't see any people or cars around. It was summer in a residential neighborhood so there should have been kids out playing and people going about their daily lives. Again it seemed like a coincidence. As I was riding I remember thinking it was eerily quiet. There was no wind that day which is odd enough in and of itself but the air seemed almost stagnant. Being a kid it didn't seem like much of a problem and at the time it just seemed like a small thing. What I remember most now is that not only were there no people going about their daily business but there was not a single sound from nature. I could hear my bike tires on the road and the sound of the crank and my own breathing but there were no other sounds. No birds, no dogs, no chirping or buzzing of insects. I got to my friends house and knocked on the door. Nothing. I knocked again. Nothing. That was just plain odd. He had several other siblings and even though his parents worked, I remember thinking that there should have been at least one of them there. At that point I decided that something was definitely off. I rode my bike back to my house as quickly as I could and went up to my room and shut the door. Several hours later my sister came home from work and I went down to talk to her. She asked how my day was and I couldn't bring myself to tell her about the strange events of the afternoon because I figured that it must have all been a coincidence and I was reading too much into it. I went outside and everything seemed normal. Wind blowing, kids playing, dogs barking. To this day I never figured out what was going on but it was like someone turned a switch and turned off everything but me and then flipped it back and everything was back to normal. Never though much about it until I started reading /nosleep. Maybe someone else has an idea of what went on.