Popular Diets: Fat Burning Diet: Lose Up To 5 Kg In A Week The diet is low-carbohydrate, has a variety of options, as it provides a rich selection of an assortment of foods, however, in limited combinations. The diet reduces the content of starchy carbohydrates and sugars, which contributes to the normalization of insulin in the blood, improving metabolism, helps the process of consumption of weight. Duration of the diet is 7 days, for which it is possible to lose up to 5 kilograms of weight, depending on the initial weight and individual characteristics. Obligatory conditions: 1. A lot of liquid - up to 3 liters per day; 2. Breakfast is recommended no later than 2 hours after the ascent; 3. Food should be taken 4 times a day: 6-9 am - breakfast, 11-14 pm - lunch, 15-16 hours - afternoon tea, 17-20 hours - dinner. The daily menu can be varied from the proposed combinations: 1. Breakfast consists of 1 portion of protein (list 1) and portions of fruit or vegetables (list 2) 2. Lunch consists of a portion of proteins (list 1), portions of vegetables or fruits (list 2) and portions of carbohydrates (list 3) 3. Snack - consists of a portion of proteins (list 1), portions of vegetables or fruits (list 2) and portions of carbohydrates List 3). 4. Dinner - a portion of protein and a portion of vegetables or fruits. List 1. Proteins. - 2 eggs in any form; - 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese; - 120 ml of low-fat milk, or 120 ml of low-fat yogurt + half a serving of any other protein product from this list. - 110 grams of low-fat ham or any low-fat, non-fried meat. - 170 grams of cod or other non-fat fish, seafood. - 60 grams of low-fat cheese. - 30 grams of any nuts. List 2. Fruits and vegetables. - 200 grams of any fruit (grapefruit, orange, mandarin, pear, dried apricots, lemon slices, strawberries, cherries or sweet cherries cut into pieces, or 2 whole fruits, or 2 small pieces of melon. - Vegetable salad from any vegetables, except potatoes and beans, or a few fresh whole vegetables. - 300 grams of any steam vegetables, except peas, potatoes, and corn. - 150 grams of corn or green peas. - 60 grams of any dried fruits. List 3. Carbohydrates. - A piece of bread, preferably bran, whole-wheat, rye. - ΒΌ of a bagel. - 3-4 tablespoons of boiled rice, buckwheat or pasta, pasta with the addition of tomato sauce. 3-4 tablespoons of mashed potatoes; Peas, beans, lentils or corn, or two small boiled potatoes. - 1 boiled corn of small size.