So today we went to the beach for the 4th time this summer (along with any other states and even a visit to relatives in Germany) and it was a blast. First day me and my little brother got there (Hes 16, im 18) we hit the beach for a while and did some surfing. We met a group of wonderful ladies and ended up roaming around with them for most of the day on the boardwalk. We went to ice cream shops, beach stores, any store we could find just to have a good time. At the end of the night my parents were gone and we had the girls come back to our beach house (as we knew our parents wouldn't be home until the AM) and we cooked them a meal, make jokes, played a few cheesy games (spin the bottle) and then we all layed on the couch and watched a bit of Tv. The girls were wonderful and as was the day, i had a blast and we still have 5 more days to go :)