1. Download Bluestacks. 2. Have the Installer on the Desktop. 3. Install. 4. Open up HMA VPN and connect to a US IP if you are outside of US. 5. Search apps for WHAFF 6. Click and download/install WHAFF. 7. Login in to one of the Facebooks you created. 8. Press the Like button to earn 1% more. 9. Install all possible free apps then open and close it; on average they have $3-$7 worth of apps in a US IP. You will need to create/sign in to Gmail for Google play 10. If you are short simply change IP to a Japan or Russian IP to obtain the rest of the points. 11. If you still are short ( I would really doubt it) check other country IPs for more apps. 12. Once you have minimum cash out ($5) cash out to your PayPal. 13. Uninstall Bluestacks. 14. Start from step one again using a different Facebook. You can cash out to the same PayPal email! Cash outs take anywhere from the same day to three days. You can do this quickly and earn $10+ an hour on one PC. If you can multitask with more than one PC you can earn more!