So I have been planning on setting up a Patreon account (crowdfunding where people donate a small amount each month so you can produce regular content) for years now. It's funny how you can put these things off for such a long time, simply because you're terrified of what the results might be. I always imagined I'd be able to make a living off having a youtube show, but I never actually tried. I produce other people's shows, have produced for national television, produced feature films and documentaries for other companies, helped set up web shows for non profits. I love all these things, but it baffles me why I've never done my own show also. The only excuse I can think of is I've been terrified of trying. But enough is enough. And since I made this decision, some wonderful things have happened: First, Steemit Superstar @stellabelle reached out to me to say I should explore Steemit, because it's like Patreon 10.0. So now I AM exploring steemit, and it's so much more than I expected. The community here, the amazing content that people put out, the support that everyone shows each other when they create value for others. I'm more excited about Steemit than anything right now. Then, through connecting to people on Steemit, I've also just become involved with another VERY exciting project (crypto noir thriller... yep, it may be the best genre ever invented), and I'll announce soon more details about that! Finally I've also just gone ahead and launched a Patreon campaign this morning, and already have 3 supporters. I am so grateful to those people, and excited that this will allow me to produce more content that I hope people will enjoy. Thank you, Steemit, for being a thing, and stay tuned for more videos about tech/bitcoin/cool ideas!!