Usage: -h - show help message and exit -u - specify unique user id -l - limit the number of times the script will loop (default: 10000) -b - browser to open the links in (default: default browser) Example usage: coinURL -u 529d189542657801002944 -l 10 -b Safari Requirements: cURL ( bash v3.2 or greater (It will probably work with lower versions of bash, but I haven't tested those.) [code] #!/bin/bash function help_ { echo " -h - show help message and exit" echo " -u - specify unique user id" echo " -l - limit the number of times the script will loop (default: 10000)" echo " -b - browser to open the links in (default: default browser)" } function launch_ { if [[ -n $* ]]; then while [[ -n $* ]]; do if [[ $1 = -u ]]; then uuid=$2 shift 2 elif [[ $1 = -h ]]; then help_ exit elif [[ $1 = -b ]]; then browser=$2".app" browser_proc=$2 shift 2 elif [[ $1 = -l ]]; then limit=$2 shift 2 fi done else help_ exit fi if [[ -z $limit ]]; then limit=10000 fi num=0 randid=$RANDOM } function pull_ { while true; do killall $browser_proc url=$(curl -s -S ""$uuid"&url=$randid/$num") echo -en "\rNumber of urls generated: $num | Current URL: $url" ((num++)) open -g -a $browser "$url" sleep 4 if [[ $num -gt $limit ]]; then break fi done } launch_ $* && pull_ [/code] Donations, if you're feelin' it 1KEcwexeZkR1LzTMPFBoHo6T8zMxU79Hi2