var bet = 51; // place your bet here. minimum is 30. /* in case the bot will click a bomb, bet will be adjusted on the next round to compensate the loss. the bot will set the bet again to the original value on the next next round.*/ var bigBet = (bet+(0.039*bet))/0.039; //var bigBet = 500; bigBet = Math.ceil(bigBet); var risky_bet_chance1 = 0; var risky_bet_chance2 = 0; //var stop_limit_balance = 6000; /* click sequence interval in milliseconds. equivalent to 2 seconds. You can change it to longer than 2 seconds but please don't change it to a lower value because it can messed up the timings if you have a slow internet. If you have a very slow internet connection, I recommend setting it up to 3 seconds or higher. */ var interval = 1000; var restart, timeout1, timeout2, timeout3, timeout4, timeout5, timeout6, timeout7, num_clicks; // force the difficulty to 1 mine at the start of the game. $('.quarter').eq(1).find('button').click(); start_game(); function start_game() { var risky_bet = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); if(restart == 1){ if (risky_bet < risky_bet_chance1) { $('#bet').val(Math.ceil(1.1*bigBet)); } else { $('#bet').val(bigBet); } restart = 0; num_clicks = 1; } else { if (risky_bet < risky_bet_chance2) { $('#bet').val(Math.ceil(1.5*bet)); } else { $('#bet').val(bet); } num_clicks = 3; } $('#start_game').click(); timeout1 = setTimeout(click_tile1, interval) } // end of function start_game() function click_tile1() { var tile1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 1); //search_last_bomb(); $('.game_left').first().find('li[data-tile='+tile1+']').click(); //$('.game_left [data-tile="'+tile1+'"]').click(); setTimeout(function(){ if($('.game_left').first().find('li[data-tile='+tile1+']').hasClass('bomb')){ $('.quarter').first().find('button').click(); var bal = $('.balance .num').html(); bal = $.trim(bal); bal = bal.replace(',',''); bal = parseInt(bal); //bal = bigBet // practice mode if(bal < bigBet ){ stopgame(); } else { restart = 1; start_game(); } } else { if (num_clicks >= 2) { timeout2 = setTimeout(click_tile2, interval); } else { $('.quarter').eq(1).find('button').click(); timeout3 = setTimeout(cashout, interval); } } }, interval); } // end of function click_tile1() function click_tile2() { var tile2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 1); //search_last_bomb(); $('.game_left').first().find('li[data-tile='+tile2+']').click(); //$('.game_left [data-tile="'+tile2+'"]').click(); setTimeout(function(){ if($('.game_left').first().find('li[data-tile='+tile2+']').hasClass('bomb')){ $('.quarter').first().find('button').click(); var bal = $('.balance .num').html(); bal = $.trim(bal); bal = bal.replace(',',''); bal = parseInt(bal); //bal = bigBet // practice mode if(bal < bigBet){ stopgame(); } else { restart = 1; start_game(); } }else{ if (num_clicks >= 3) { timeout4 = setTimeout(click_tile3, interval); } else { $('.quarter').eq(1).find('button').click(); timeout5 = setTimeout(cashout, interval); } } }, interval); } // end of function click_tile2() function click_tile3() { var tile3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 1); //search_last_bomb(); $('.game_left').first().find('li[data-tile='+tile3+']').click(); //$('.game_left [data-tile="'+tile2+'"]').click(); setTimeout(function(){ if($('.game_left').first().find('li[data-tile='+tile3+']').hasClass('bomb')){ $('.quarter').first().find('button').click(); var bal = $('.balance .num').html(); bal = $.trim(bal); bal = bal.replace(',',''); bal = parseInt(bal); //bal = bigBet // practice mode if(bal < bigBet){ stopgame(); } else { restart = 1; start_game(); } }else{ $('.quarter').eq(1).find('button').click(); timeout6 = setTimeout(cashout, interval); } }, interval); } // end of function click_tile2() function cashout() { $('.game_right').first().find('.cashout').click(); timeout7 = setTimeout(start_game, interval); } // end of cashout function stopgame(){ clearTimeout(timeout1); clearTimeout(timeout2); clearTimeout(timeout3); clearTimeout(timeout4); clearTimeout(timeout5); clearTimeout(timeout6); clearTimeout(timeout7); } // end of stopgame() function search_last_bomb(){ var has_chosen = 0; if($('.game_left').eq(1) != null && $('.game_left').eq(1).length > 0){ $('.game_left').eq(1).find('.board').find('li').each(function(i,elem){ if($(elem).hasClass('reveal')){ has_chosen = 1; tile1 = $(elem).data('tile'); return false; } }); } if(has_chosen == 0){ tile1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 1); } } // end of searchLastBombTile()