>>[ list of my favourite roulette systems:	https://bitbin.it/v0RQMnjB/ ]<<

9 to 5 System

I did a lot of computer testing using a casino program called Casino Deluxe. I tested
many different “systems” of my own design and this one was a great surprise to me
because it won more than it lost. While all others (that seemed more fool proof) lost
more times than they won! Then, after the computer testing I finally got to try it in
the casinos of Laughlin, NV and it won on the four different occasions that I went to
Laughlin! Now, I know that four times is a terribly short test. But, given the results
I had on the computer plus the fact that I usually have terrible luck on the tables, I
feel I’ve hit on something worthwhile here!
Anyway here is a summary of the details. All I ask in return is that if you or some of
your acquaintances try this out in a real casino that you let me know how it did for
1. Pick one number to bet on and bet it until it hits. Even though testing
shows you can close your eyes and pick any one, the success rate increases
greatly when you record the last 15 or so hits and pick a number that has
repeated in that time. When your number hits and you are well into the
progression (55 spins or more) I recommend that you select a new repeating
number from the last 15 spins. Anytime a number hits and you have decided
to change numbers, stay on the number that just hit for 5 more spins! Many
times that number will repeat in that time! (I’m a FIRM believer in the biased
wheel theory. That’s why I recommend the recording of the numbers that
have hit in the past 15 spins.)
2. Bet the number of units as shown in the following progression table.
I use $1 units because many of the tables have a $2 inside bet minimum limit.
So my table was set up for this minimum limit requirement.

Bet 2 units for 27 spins Bet 10 units for 3 spins
Bet 3 units for 10 spins Bet 11 units for 3 spins
Bet 4 units for 8 spins Bet 12 units for 3 spins
Bet 5 units for 6 spins Bet 13 units for 3 spins
Bet 6 units for 6 spins Bet 14 units for 2 spins
Bet 7 units for 4 spins Bet 15 units for 3 spins
Bet 8 units for 4 spins Bet 16 units for 2 spins
Bet 9 units for 4 spins TOTAL of 88 spins; 505 units bet
This progression table does two things. They are: 1) It limits your losses to 505
units. However, my tests have shown that it is very rare that a number needs
more than 200 units to hit. So I would recommend setting your loss limit at 200
units. 2) It allows you to win a minimum of 35 units per hour by recovering all
past losses plus enough to meet the 35 unit per hour goal. (My actual results
have been in the $123 per hour area!) This table was based on the assumption
of one spin per minute.
3. When your number hits decide if you want to change numbers and
start the progression all over again. As you can see, it is a pretty simple
system that combines the biased wheel theory and a progression betting
system. The only difference is that I’ve developed a progression that will
result in winnings of at least 35 units per hour and allows a person to pick
their own loss limit!
I hope you or your friends enjoy this system. I named it the “9 to 5 System” because
I worked on it to provide me with a supplemental income like a “real job” would