Popular Diets: ABC Diet 50 days: Lose Weight Slowly The principle of the ABC diet is 50 days, low calorie diet, contributing to the discharge of a large number of kilograms. The diet is radical and must be observed with extreme caution - it can be dangerous to health. The name shows that the duration of the diet is 50 days and the essence is this: every day used a different number of calories and interspersed with the days in which food is not completely. 1 day 500 calories 2 day 500 calories 3 days 300 calories 4 days 400 calories 5 days 100 calories 6 days 200 kcal 7 days 300 kcal 8 days 400 kcal 9 days 500 kcal 10 days of hunger 11 days 150 calories 12 days 200 kcal 13 day 400 calories 14 days 350 kcal 15 days 250 kcal 16 days 200 kcal 17 days of famine 18 day 200 calories 19 day 100 calories The 20th day of famine 21 day 300 calories 22 day 250 kcal 23 day 200 kcal 24 day 150 calories 25 day 100 calories 26 day 50 calories 27 day 100 kcal 28 day 200 kcal 29 day 200 kcal 30 day 300 calories 31 day 800 32 day hunger 33 day 250 kcal 34 day 350 calories 35 day 450 calories 36 day hunger 37 day 500 calories 38 day 450 calories 39 day 400 kcal 40 day 350 kcal 41 day 300 calories 42 day 250 kcal 43 day 200 calories 44 day 200 kcal 45 day 250 kcal 46 day 200 calories 47 day 300 kcal 48 day 200 kcal 49 day 150 calories 50 day hunger Compliance with this diet leads to weight loss due to lack of food, the process may be accompanied by a risk of hazardous health effects. Before you start "ABC 50 days" you need 100 to seriously think about the need to comply with it and consult a doctor.