***13/APRIL/2013 EARN BITCOINS EARN FREEDOM*** ============================================== Donate: 1HLuzy2nEqHJDgyHhsAajjqNnwxD4J5QS4 ============================================== *** *** - THE BITCOIN WEEKEND TRADER - *** *** ============================================== This report is opinion only and should be treated as that. Trading in bitcoin involves risk and profit is not guaranteed. ---------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -MARKET--------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The end of the week brought with it and end to the month long upwards spike. A sudden crash from a high of USD$266 to almost below $50 again. Some speculators see a further fall below $50. Now could be a great time to buy, but know that it comes with a risk of the currency still falling further. Be prepared to sit out the trough long term if you are expecting prices as high as recent times. Part of the crash that has affected the prices is said to have been caused by a market stress test from the commercial banking industry. They no doubt will have a vested interest in bitcoin so be prepared for further risk. Even if the value drops to $50 however, remember that this is on par with the value of this time last month. Do not panic sell just yet. Bitcoin is increasingly hitting mainstream media which means and influx of new users, but also increased panic as people make trades without understanding the peculiarities of the currency. *** BITCOIN IN THE NEWS ------------------------------------------------ CNET | http://cur.lv/m931 | Bitcoin drops ... YAHOO | http://cur.lv/m8vt | Bitcoin bursts .. BBC | http://cur.lv/m8vu | Bitcoin panic ... 3NEWS | http://cur.lv/m8vv | Bitcoin bubble .. CBS | http://cur.lv/m8vw | Bitcoin nosedive. ------------------------------------------------ *** With the fall in price, whether it be short term or not, the websites offering free bitcoins for viewing ads and completing tasks have begun to increase the size of their payments again. The value of bitcoin is what we perceive it as. To those that earn bitcoin slowly, the value is the time they have spent earning. To those that have mined the value comes from the cost of the hardware and the electricity consumed during mining. To those though that have purchased bitcoins and are trying to make a quick buck by buying and selling, caution. The currency is subject to natural fluctuations like this. This is why you need to diversify your holdings. *** Earn bitcoins at these sites ------------------------------------------------- Easy Bitcoin | http://cur.lv/llcf | multiple Coin Visitor | http://cur.lv/llcg | surfing chat Bit Visitor | http://cur.lv/llch | Paid surfing CoinAd | http://cur.lv/llci | Faucet & chat Cointube | http://cur.lv/llcj | Paid videos Bitcoin Get | http://cur.lv/llcr | Paid Tasks Coinreaper | http://cur.lv/m9ic | Faucet links ------------------------------------------------- Using all these sites is how you maximise how many Bitcoins you have. They may be small amounts now but your earnings will build, Bitcoin will be worth more again in the future. Some believe it may spike above USD$1000 by the end of the year. Remember too that the Bitcoin chats available on some of these sites are where the freshest news about Bitcoin becomes available first. *** Alongside Bitcoin, the alternate cryptocurrency Litecoin has also fallen in value. It's value is now sitting around $1.39. Having reached highs in its usual fluctuations to $4.8 earlier in the week, Litecoin will no doubt rise in value again alongside bitcoin. This alternate currency is not as popular as bitcoin and should be left to the adventurous and experienced. Mining is a safer option than trading, and it can be easily mined on a cpu. Find out more: http://bitbin.it/6WCYy1cS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ With the Cypriot banking failure largely being beneficial to Bitcoin adoption, some have been trying to draw links between other international matters. To those entrenched in bitcoin this is last months news, But the existence of the first Bitcoin ATM is not something to be ignored. It also shows how Bitcoin has the power to question unpopular financial decisions. Bitcoin is still young, and the exact consequences it will have are still unknown. To those that are using Bitcoin to escape taxes, consider whether this moral. Using Bitcoin for nefarious purposes also tarnishes its reputation, and thus its value. *** BITCOIN IN THE NEWS ------------------------------------------------- WIRED | http://cur.lv/m92x | First Bitcoin ATM. Finextra| http://cur.lv/m92z | Cyprus, Bitcoin .. Theweek | http://cur.lv/m930 | Cyprus banking ... ------------------------------------------------- *** Remember that bitcoin is neutral to these matters. What is important however is that the $USD and the Euro are both unstable due to their own financial crises. There is money to be made in bitcoins just as there is money to be made in foreign exchange trading, but it comes with the same risks, if not more. War and instability are not good for any economy, and famine, rationing etc. are byproducts of war. To make income, you want economies to grow. The only sectors that make income during a war are arms dealers and engineering. Expect tech sectors to be blown out in future wars. Communications networks will be shutdown and bitcoin may not be able to be transferred. Fiat too will lose money, hence why if you predict instability, investing in gold is an option. *** Invest in metals for stablity and freedom ------------------------------------------------- http://cur.lv/m9ky | 1 gram Gold http://cur.lv/m9l0 | 1 oz Gold http://cur.lv/m9kz | 1 oz Silver ------------------------------------------------- *** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -HARDWARE---------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ASICS will be required for the next generation of mining. This will render GPU mining worthless and make having an ASIC vital. However before you rush to purchase an ASIC think about the shipping time. Orders made now will ship well after July. Because the current waves of shipping are already underway the overall difficulty of mining will increase, making the G/Hashs of the current models not as valuable as they currently are. New blocks can only be discovered at a set rate. But do not frown at ASICS, overall the release of their improved hardware, specialised for bitcoin will make the bitcoin network more efficient and less power hungry. But the model of ASIC you order now, will overall perhaps not earn much more than a GPU does currently once thousands of the machines are deployed. Once this happens however, a new generation of miners at cheaper prices may become available, so then it may become profitable to mine again. There is much speculation about whether this company actually ships. There are rumours that the first orders may have shipped, and some pool users have recently increased their hash rates significantly. As pointed out, their ability to generationalise their hardware and sell in waves will be a key to their continued profit as a company so they are unlikely to dump and run as some paranoid speculators have pointed out. *** If you want to purchase and ASIC anyway. The company selling them is Butterfly Labs. http://cur.lv/m8vs *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -SPEND YOUR COINS ---------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Spend your bitcoins at the bitcoin store. ---------------------------------------------- http://cur.lv/m9mx | Bitcoin store ---------------------------------------------- Purchase computer and electrical items using your bitcoins at super cheap prices. Help them in their goal to raise funds to keep their prices low. *** ----------------------------------------------- http://cur.lv/m9ox | CoinAbul Gold trader ----------------------------------------------- Coinabul accepts payments in bitcoins, some pieces are cheaper than others. Do your research on gold prices. There are good deals to be made by using bitcoins and gold together. *** Don't feel you can earn enough bitcoins to make it worthwhile cashing them in? Why not consider using them as a microtip for bloggers who accept donations in bitcoin. *** Gamble ---------------------------------------------- http://cur.lv/m9ow | Peerbet http://cur.lv/m9oy | Bitmillions ---------------------------------------------- If you have small amounts of bitcoins and feel like taking the risk, there are plenty of sites that allow you to gamble your bitcoins away. Consider donating to others or making charitable donations with your bitcoins too. *** ============================================== Donate: 1HLuzy2nEqHJDgyHhsAajjqNnwxD4J5QS4 ============================================== *** *** - MAY THE COINS BE WITH YOU - *** *** ==============================================