British American "mucking around"/off task off task/fooling around/"goofing off" accelerator gas [pedal], accelerator anti-clockwise counter-clockwise articulated lorry tractor trailer / trailer truck aubergine eggplant autumn autumn, fall bank holiday national holiday barrister attorney bat (table tennis) paddle (ping pong) bill (restaurant) bill, check bin/dust bin trash can biscuit/bickie (a cookie is a large biscuit) cookie block of flats apartment building bonnet hood bonnet (car) hood bonnet (clothing) hat boot trunk boy/lad boy braces suspenders bungalow house (one story),  ranch house cafe/caff (not 24 hrs) diner car journey/drive road trip car park parking lot car valeting auto detailing caravan trailer cashier teller chemist drug store/druggist chemist's shop drugstore, pharmacy chest of drawers dresser, chest of drawers, bureau chips (french fries in mcdonald's) fries, french fries clothes peg clothespin coffin coffin, casket come round come over cooker range or stove couch/sofa/settee sofa courgette zucchini crisps potato chips crossroads intersection; crossroads (rural) cupboard cupboard (in kitchen); closet (for clothes etc) diversion detour drawing pins pushpins or thumbtacks dressing gown robe drink-driving drunk driving driving licence driver's license dual carriageway divided highway dummy (for baby) pacifier dustbin garbage can, trash can dustman garbage collector, garbage man eggy bread (fried) french toast engine engine, motor estate agent real estate agent estate car station wagon exhaust pipe tail pipe/muffler fairy cake cup cake film film, movie fire engine fire truck flat apartment, flat, studio flat (one storey) appartment apartment flat tyre flat tire flyover overpass, flyover food/grub/nosh food football soccer friend/pal/chum/mate / buddy friend/buddy garden backyard/yard gearbox (car) transmission gear-lever gearshift girl/lass girl girl guide girl scout glue gum grill broil ground floor ground/first floor hand basin/sink sink handbag handbag, purse, shoulder bag hard shoulder shoulder high street main street hired car, hire car rental car, rental holiday vacation hood, soft/hard top convertible top ice lolly popsicle i'm knackered i'm beat it's gone off it's spoiled jacket potato/baked potato baked potato jam jam, preserves, jelly jelly jello jug jug, pitcher juggernaut, lorry 18 wheeler, tractor-trailer jumper/pullover/sweater/jersey sweater kip/sleep sleep lady/woman lady lady bird lady bug lift elevator lollipop man or lady crossing guard lorry truck lorry truck, semi, tractor mac (slang for macintosh) rain coat mad crazy, insane main road highway maize corn man/bloke/gentleman/guy/chap man/guy manual stick shift, manual marking scheme grading scheme maths math motorbike motorcycle motorway highway, freeway, expressway, interstate highway, interstate mudguard, wheel arch, wing fender mum/mummy/mom mom nappy diaper naughts and crosses tic-tack-toe nick steal nutter crazy person off you go go ahead open day/open evening open house pants/underwear/knickers/underpants underwear/panties/drawers pavement sidewalk pet hate pet peeve petrol gasoline or gas petrol station gas station phone box telephone booth pinafore dress jumper pinny/apron apron plaster band-aid play time/break time recess plimsolls gym shoes pocket money allowance policeman/bobby/copper policeman/cop polo neck turtle neck post mail postbox mailbox postcode zip code postman mailman, mail carrier, letter carrier pub bar public school private school public toilet rest room, public bathroom puddings/afters/dessert / sweets dessert queue stand in a line quid (slang for pound) bucks railway railroad rasher a slice of bacon return (ticket) round-trip reverse charge collect call reversing lights back-up lights ring road beltway, freeway/highway loop road surface pavement, blacktop roadworks construction zone, roadwork roundabout traffic circle, roundabout rounders baseball rubber eraser rubbish garbage, trash rubbish-bin garbage can, trashcan run the bath fill the tub runner beans green beans saloon (car) sedan sandwich/butty/sarny sandwich sausage/banger sausage school dinner hot lunch scone biscuit scotch pancakes flapjacks semi-detached house duplex shop shop, store silencer (car) muffler single (ticket) one-way skip dumpster sleeping policeman /speed bump speed bump soldiers (we dip soldiers in our soft boiled eggs) finger sized slices of toast. solicitor lawyer, attorney spanner wrench staff room teachers lounge starkers/naked naked starter appetizer state school public school surgery doctor's office suspenders holds up stockings sweets candy swimming costume/cozzy bathing suit take-away take out tap faucet taxi taxi, taxi cab tea towel dish towel telephone/blower/phone telephone television/box/telly/ tv tv/television telly (informal), tv television, tv terrace (row of houses joined) town house the cinema the movies the plough big dipper the toilet/loo/the john / bog/wc bathroom/restroom there's a queue. there's a line. third-party insurance liability insurance ticking over idling timetable schedule tin can toll motorway toll road, turnpike torch flashlight traffic jam/tailback traffic jam trainers sneakers trodden on stepped on trousers pants, trousers tube (train) subway underground (train) subway vest undershirt waistcoat vest wallet wallet, billfold wardrobe closet wellington boots rubber boots, rain boots wellington boots/wellies galoshes whisky whisky/whiskey windscreen windshield wireless/radio radio zebra crossing/pedestrian crossing cross walk zip zipper